in my exp. sneezing chicks are not unusual


12 Years
Jul 22, 2008
South Central MA
not every sneeze
is a disease

you might say.

these are birds that are not listless, wheezing, etc. but active little nuts.

and i have seen such sneezing before in babies--even from different breeders, brooded together simultaneously.............

so i don't think that a sneezing chick is automatically sick

i wonder if others also experience the normal occasional sneezes of vibrant little ones
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I was sitting and watching mine today and a bunch of them were digging in the shavings and throwing them around. One of them sneezed and set all the rest to running because they had no idea what it was. But since she was just doused with a bunch of shavings that were thrown by another peep I think it was probably dust that was the culprit not sickness since they are all running around and happy here.
I have heard a number of sneezes in my brooder. One in particular, a light bhrama, sneezes often. She is perfectly healthy in all ways, but sneezes. Maybe she is allergic to feathers...
thank you. i actually think alot of people need to be aware of this element of raising baby chicks, so they don't flip out into paranoia
My chicks are a very robust 7 weeks, and have sneezed now and again since I got them at 3 days. I was a little worried when they were tiny, but they seemed robust, and it was more like a "people sneeze", a one off sneeze, vs. a constant sick sneeze.
Chickenmonk (JMC), I was actually reading your thread from 2008 a few days ago because my chicks are mysteriously sneezing! I've been praying day and night that it's just a product of dusty pine shavings. Needless to say, I've become so paranoid over these chicks. Even a blinky eye can make me come running to BYC to check if it's a symptom to something more serious!


I've actually been dying to know what happened with your sneezy chicks.
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i'll add more later. but for now...............

i gave them away. one became ill, i think with CRD, and should've been put down right away.
the others were all very active, lively, good eaters and drinkers.
i gave them away just one month after the first egg was laid

i will say more later, but i at least want to respond to your question in an initial way.
We're experiencing a fair bit of sneezing w/our 25 meat birds. While it does cause concern, they are acting normally otherwise. They eat/drink, lounge/race as they should. So I am watching and waiting (w/a little less worrying). Thanks for assuaging my fears.
I also have about 25 meat birds that mysteriously started sneezing yesterday and today. They are 1 week old, in a brooder in my entry way, away from my other chickens. Pine shavings, no drafts, nice and warm. I think it might be from wet bedding though, I hadn't changed it in a couple days and as you know they are pooping machines. They seem perfectly healthy and happy otherwise. Of course it does concern me but I'm hoping it is nothing. My adult birds occasionally sneeze here and there, they have always done that. I am positive its all environmental as they have never gotten sick.

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