In Need of your HELP!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 22, 2012
Our Little Farm, KY
Well, needless to say we had a sad day dog (whom is no longer my dog) chased, cought, and killed one of my prize roosters, a valuable hen, and injured my other show rooster. The neighbors dog was in on it as well...I didn't even realize anything was happening until I heard a thud and saw a bird freaking out right outside my window. At first, I thought it was just some wild birds fighting then I see a pile of feathers and my dog running back to the coop. When I finally got her away from the rooster, his tail feathers were practically gone and he was making an awful wheazing noise. He's fine now, but I was so caught up in trying to calm him down that I didn't even think to count the rest of the chickens...and much to my dissappointment, we found the remains of the hen and the whole rooster right in the neighbors front yard. I really hate to get rid of my dog but I know that she will always be after them now she thinks she can. SOOOOOO, we are now IN THE MARKET for another mille fleur belgian d'uccle bantam rooster (preferably 4 months or older) because my d'uccle hens are taking it very hard- they were a little pack of best friends. We would also like to replace the hen with a few more (any breed is ok). If you all know of anybody that is selling d'uccle roos PLEASE let me know-we are located in southern KY and are willing to pick him/them up from up to 40 mi away. THANKS!!
well we live in the country so the neighbors dog is not bound in any way, but he hardly ever travels to our yard.. plus the neighbors arent even home this week! my dog was the culprit but the neighors dog ate the hen im sure..the only thing i can do is wait for the neighbors to come back and let them know what happened. and in this heat i hate to keep my chickens in their coop all day and night, but i will have to until we can build our big "chicken house".
it doesn't matter who start the killing, dogs in pack acts differently than individual.... No matter where you are your dog SHOULD NOT ROAM FREELY.... by the sound of this "plus the neighbors arent even home this week!" they don't seems to be a very responsible dog owner.
We live in thew country too... and any wandering dogs here will be shot.
Its sad that you got rid of your dog instead of putting in the time and effort to train him. Just because he got the chickens once doesn't mean that he is a hopeless case. More than likely, he joined in on the neighbors fun. Why was he out unsupervised to get into rrouble?

Dogs are dogs and, unless you do your job and train them and watch over them, sometimes they are going to get into trouble.
i was inside my house with my 4 month old baby. my dogs are on a chain all day long. sometime they slip off the chain and end up in trouble. weve tried training, they are just bored.
i was inside my house with my 4 month old baby. my dogs are on a chain all day long. sometime they slip off the chain and end up in trouble. weve tried training, they are just bored.
There is part of your problem, dogs should never be on a chain, it makes them territorial, they have no way to get rid of the excess energy .

If you did not want to hear what people had to say about the incident perhaps you should not have posted what went on and instead posted in the wanted section for a new roo.

I have 4 pups coming up rite now with my free rangers, they have their moments and it takes some training but they are doing great considering i usually raise up one at a time because of the pack mentality.
I don't have a rooster for you and I'm sorry about your chickens... it's hard to keep track of babies and dogs at the same time, trust me, I know. I'm not trying to make you even more annoyed with dog talk, but our german shepherd responded very well to shock collar training around our chickens. and he leaves them alone now. I hope you find a rooster!

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