in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Its on netflix so go watch it.
Quote: I did several searches and I can not find it. The fifth element ,fifth element, 5th element. nothing.
Stargate Atlantis is no longer available either. I watched goodwill hunting instead. People kept telling me that it was my life and I needed to see it. No. I did not need to see it.That is not a feel good movie.
I need some new Doctor Who... and quickly.
Quote: I did several searches and I can not find it. The fifth element ,fifth element, 5th element. nothing.
Stargate Atlantis is no longer available either. I watched goodwill hunting instead. People kept telling me that it was my life and I needed to see it. No. I did not need to see it.That is not a feel good movie.
I need some new Doctor Who... and quickly.

Well that is not good.. Just looked an half the movies on my instant queue are gone....

An no Good will hunting is not a feel good movie or one I normally recommend. I do like it though..

Others I recommend are Geek Charming, Mako Mermailds, Mirror Mirror, and Once Upon a Time. All are on there cause I just checked... An yes, none of which I would have ever watched if the girls had not got me to...

Been trying to make my way threw Dr who the last few weeks..
Quote: I did several searches and I can not find it. The fifth element ,fifth element, 5th element. nothing.
Stargate Atlantis is no longer available either. I watched goodwill hunting instead. People kept telling me that it was my life and I needed to see it. No. I did not need to see it.That is not a feel good movie.
I need some new Doctor Who... and quickly.

Well that is not good.. Just looked an half the movies on my instant queue are gone....

An no Good will hunting is not a feel good movie or one I normally recommend. I do like it though..

Others I recommend are Geek Charming, Mako Mermailds, Mirror Mirror, and Once Upon a Time. All are on there cause I just checked... An yes, none of which I would have ever watched if the girls had not got me to...

Been trying to make my way threw Dr who the last few weeks..
You mean... you watch chick flicks?
Rebel, you are just so cool.
I have an OKGO vid for you, let me go get the link. Everytime I watch it I think you and lothrel should get together do that. (Weird that I think of personalities I have never actually met when I watch their vids.)
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Quote: I did several searches and I can not find it. The fifth element ,fifth element, 5th element. nothing.
Stargate Atlantis is no longer available either. I watched goodwill hunting instead. People kept telling me that it was my life and I needed to see it. No. I did not need to see it.That is not a feel good movie.
I need some new Doctor Who... and quickly.

Well that is not good.. Just looked an half the movies on my instant queue are gone....

An no Good will hunting is not a feel good movie or one I normally recommend. I do like it though..

Others I recommend are Geek Charming, Mako Mermailds, Mirror Mirror, and Once Upon a Time. All are on there cause I just checked... An yes, none of which I would have ever watched if the girls had not got me to...

Been trying to make my way threw Dr who the last few weeks..
You mean... you watch chick flicks?
Rebel, you are just so cool.
I have an OKGO vid for you, let me go get the link. Everytime I watch it I think you and lothrel should get together do that. (Weird that I think of personalities I have never actually met when I watch their vids.)
Yep I watch them when I can get away with it. These girls help me with that.

That video was wild. Now sure I want to know what it cost though.

I actually watch everything Lothrel puts on youtube an would not mind working together with her or anyone else on a youtube project but she an everyone I know that does that are no where near me.

Here is my latest political video though for anyone that wants to see it.

I really like these youtubers too..
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Quote: I did several searches and I can not find it. The fifth element ,fifth element, 5th element. nothing.
Stargate Atlantis is no longer available either. I watched goodwill hunting instead. People kept telling me that it was my life and I needed to see it. No. I did not need to see it.That is not a feel good movie.
I need some new Doctor Who... and quickly.

Well that is not good.. Just looked an half the movies on my instant queue are gone....

An no Good will hunting is not a feel good movie or one I normally recommend. I do like it though..

Others I recommend are Geek Charming, Mako Mermailds, Mirror Mirror, and Once Upon a Time. All are on there cause I just checked... An yes, none of which I would have ever watched if the girls had not got me to...

Been trying to make my way threw Dr who the last few weeks..
You mean... you watch chick flicks?
Rebel, you are just so cool.
I have an OKGO vid for you, let me go get the link. Everytime I watch it I think you and lothrel should get together do that. (Weird that I think of personalities I have never actually met when I watch their vids.)
Yep I watch them when I can get away with it. These girls help me with that.

That video was wild. Now sure I want to know what it cost though.

I actually watch everything Lothrel puts on youtube an would not mind working together with her or anyone else on a youtube project but she an everyone I know that does that are no where near me.

Here is my latest political video though for anyone that wants to see it.

I really like these youtubers too..
Lol I never put stuff on.... If I do it's super rare

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