in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

That's an interesting idea, @suebgbr . My dad actually mentioned something similar just yesterday. I'll have to look into it - wonder what exactly would need to be done as far as copyright stuff? It's worth checking out, for sure.
You been spying on me, Reb?
Thats how I felt after writing that post. But its not spying when it shows up on my FB feed. I am almost never on facebook but the last few times I was your posts were right at the top. I think it gives yankees preference.

Hate to hear about you getting laid off. Never a good time for that but that is real bad timing. Busy season would have started in about a month to right?

I have to go try to make money my self but when I get home I will shoot you a PM with some idea on how to make some money between jobs
Hennible- those Ayem Ceramis or however you spell it are in England. They have black skin, black bones and black blood!
For an unrecognised hybrid the eggs are silly prices. £120-£150 for 6 eggs ( about $260-320 I think? )
Soon everyone hocks themselves up to their eyeballs to get & breed these birds. In turn they flood the market. Whoops, They are no longer RARE, demand plummets and people are trying to sell their Ceramis for a couple bucks. No fortunes to be made. after all.

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