in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Julia Child's kitchen (in honor of today being her birthday):

It's now an exhibit at the Smithsonian.
Julia Child's kitchen (in honor of today being her birthday):

It's now an exhibit at the Smithsonian.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIA! I love to watch her old cooking show!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIA! I love to watch her old cooking show!

She was an impressive woman. I loved how things didn't always turn out perfectly for her (just like ahem, some of us/me) but she'd just laugh it off and keep on going. She was so down-to-earth, no fussy, high-end stuff for her. I think that's one of the things that made her easy to relate to and made people feel they could cook the stuff that she did.
When my husband and I were first married, we spent a weekend at my grandparents. Because they were sleeping and we did not want to disturb them we put the TV on mute.
This episode was the Most entertaining thing I ever watched on mute. I think our laughing disturbed them anyway, but the quips were just begging to be said.

@3goodeggs that was awesome!

"However you pronounce it." "Look who came for dinner."

So much fun to see, thanks for posting that video! Bon Appetit!

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