In Which I Meet A BYCer, And Show Her My...Assets


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
So. bbRedMom was coming by this morning before church to pick up some chickens. I knew when she was coming, and she was right on time. Yet, I still overslept, and had just hauled my carcass out of bed as she pulled into the driveway.

The night before, we'd had a bit of a "rooster rodeo," in which some roosters that we'd moved to a new pen did not return home after free-ranging, and had to be rounded up one by one. I may have fallen down a time or two, I don't really remember. ANYWAY, I'd slipped my jeans off and laid them across a chair when I'd changed into my pajamas and gone to bed last night.

So this morning, when bbRedMom pulled into the driveway, I was still in my "jammies", or pajama pants and a thermal underwear shirt. I thought, "Oh, I can't be such a slob as to go meet this nice lady in my pajama pants--I look bad enough with bed-head and no makeup..." and I very quickly shucked the pajama pants and slipped on the jeans I was wearing last night.

Without bothering to put on underwear. I mean, I was only going to be out there a few minutes, right?

I'm sure you see where this is going.

So, I meet bbRedMom (who, by the way? ADORABLE!), chat a little, show her her birds in the hutch, then ask if she'd like to look around the place a little. I leaned in the front door and told my husband we were going around the back, and when I stepped back out, this sweet lady WHO I'D JUST MET informed me that the entire center seam of the seat of my jeans was ripped out.

I cannot even describe what I felt when I reached back there...well, emotionally, I can't. I COULD describe what I felt physically, with my hand, but I'll spare you all. Traumatizing one BYCer for life is enough for me for one day.

So, to sum up, bbRedMom is a delightful, sweet, and lovely person who has talked me into getting a couple of goats, and me?


A "fleshed out" (no pun intended) version of the story is available here .
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This is the funniest post I have ever read! I can feel your pain!!!
ninjapoodles! Been there, you poor dear!

I'll never forget accidentally flashing an anesthesiologist during Nursing school! (I thought I was opening my jacket...was the shirt...darn those easy open snap tops!) I could have dropped dead right there!
Thank you for the giggle this morning- you have a gift for story telling!
Isn't your wife around here somewhere?! Naughty Boy.

she wont find out
,, im wearing camo

Clean-up on aisle 7, I just spit hot tea on the monitor!
What an interesting husband you must be to have around. Like mine. "Never a dull moment" is my favorite saying

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