

11 Years
Dec 25, 2008
middle of nowhere Colorado
So now that I'm thinking about doing some chicken breeding is inbreeding concern with birds the way it is with horses and dogs? Since the hens are fertile for only a few years compared the roos it's conceivable (get it? conceivable! LOL!) that a father roo could end up fertilizing his daughters unless that's a problem in which case I need to rethink this.
I'm not expert but from what I've read it's not as big of a problem as with horses and dogs. With that said you probably could find another rooster of the same breed on craigslist or BYC after a year or so.
Breedinf fathers to daughters & mothers to sons is called line breeding & it's a common [and recommended] practice among poultry breeders.
now, there you are.. short and sweet and right on.. I cannot wait for someone to dispute this one..

Why dispute it, when it's true?
Well, when you are breeding closely related animals you will be concentrating the genes. You will be getting more nearly homozygous offspring. This will be true for both desirable and less desirable genes. Many good breeders will use inbreeding or linebreeding as a tool to concentrate characteristics that they like in their animals, and be ready to cull birds that show undesirable traits. To be done well, you should have a good working knowledge of the genes/traits you are working with and inheritance in your species.

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