Incubating as a Science project


7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
Tyro-Lexington, NC
My son will be trying to hatch some eggs as a way to earn extra credit for science. He'll be writing up his daily checks and such since they are studying writing up lab reports in class. I've never hatched any eggs before so I have some questions. First, has anyone used this incubator? It is the one that he'll be using for his project.

He'll be collecting eggs from two separate hens; one lays pink eggs and one lays blue eggs so it will be easy to see who lays what. He'll collect one from each hen on the same day and refrigerate them for one week and then collect another from each hen and will put the fresh eggs along with the refrigerated eggs in the incubator to compare the hatch rates (small scale I know but this is a 7th grader's project).

Anyway, my second question (I know I'll likely have more later on) is if a chick hatches a day earlier or so than the others, how do you handle the lock down? Do you go ahead and take that chick out or leave it in and hope that it will be okay without food and water until its hatch-mates catch up?
Hope your son has fun with the experiment! I've never used that incubator, perhaps someone else will be able to weigh in on it. I know more about the little Brinsea bators that are not much bigger than that one. Anyway, I think most people just leave the chicks in the bator until the all hatch, in a tiny little one like that. Chicks can survive 72+ hours before they need food or water. That's how hatcheries are able to ship day-olds long distances and have them survive. :)

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