Incubating dirty eggs


12 Years
Dec 28, 2007
In a month or two I am planning on incubating some duck eggs. Most of the time my duck eggs are at least a little bit dirty or discolored and some are really dirty.

I do keep their coop and nesting boxes clean putting fresh straw in them as needed. I have heard about not washing your eggs you are planning to hatch. I have

hatched chicken eggs before but they were never as dirty as duck eggs. Does anyone wash their eggs they are planning on hatching?

If so is there a certain way to wash them?
i have washed them in luke warm water.
Although i have never my self hatched a egg yet. My incubaters waffer was bad so it fluctuated way yoo much killed the eggs four days before hatch.
I saw a thread where someone talked about cleaning eggs (chicken) with hydrogen peroxide. I just hate the idea of putting dirty eggs in the incubator.

I feel like bacteria will start growing. I could try washing them with warm water. Has anyone washed the eggs before incubating them? If so what were

your results?

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