Incubating Duck Eggs and there is a black spot inside


7 Years
Mar 11, 2017
Marietta, Georgia
I am incubating duck eggs and everything is going great. They are still alive and kicking, and there are still blood vessels throughout the eggs and the ducks are moving inside of the egg. I do see what looks like a dark spot in the egg. This worries me. What does that mean? Could it harm the duckling? Does it mean I have done something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Hannah
I'm in the process of hatching ducks right now (2 hatched this morning) and this is my first time, so I'm FAR from an expert. However, some of mine had the dark spots and they are hatching. Try not to worry!
Thanks, maybe I am just being overly worried. I do have one more question. What would you say the best brooder lamp would be for ducks? I have seen the regular lamps, but I have also heard blue lamps are good because they are calming.
I had 5 of my 8 eggs hatch (one didn't survive the hatch). I had 3 incubating still (because I'm not 100% certain on dates). I'm fairly sure those guys aren't going to hatch and all are pretty spotted. One had definitely rotted as of this morning so it's out of the incubator. Of the ones that did hatch, some did have some black areas near the air pocket and all did fine.

They are under a red heat lamp and honestly, so far, they are pretty quiet. I'd say quieter than my chicks!

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