Incubating duck eggs!!!/ hatch along for any bird

Just adding some more cute to the thread lol hatched these balls of cuteness a couple hours ago


And my Japanese bantam hatched these a couple days ago.


She's a great mama

Yeah the waiting sucks, I usually stay up all night when I have babies hatching just in case help is needed... I always seem to get at least one impatient duck that manages to pop out of the egg a bit before their yolk is absorbed... I keep clean plastic cups, paper towels and a bottle of water on hand... The offender ends up wrapped in wet paper towels and carefully placed in the cup until they finish absorbing.... Fun fun and now more cuteness to pass the time....

Angry Bird the super mommy and her " new" additions...she will accept any babies a week or younger within a few days of hatching . she had the oldest for less than 30 min and immediately was charging at me to protect it...she's awesome
(All our outside brooder pens have a heat lamp for back up in case of large clutches.)

Yes! Ive done hardley anything, i keep running back to the incubator every five minutes and staring at it. I know i wont sleep tonight. This is my first hatching i hope it goes smoothely.

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