Incubating for first time?


May 8, 2016
Alberta, Canada
There are 0 purebred ducklings where I live. So I thought maybe I should just buy hatching eggs and try to hatch some myself. Even though I hate the thought of waiting a MONTH! Ugh!
And I don't even have an incubator right now!
Should I try for hatching eggs or maybe order some ducks in? Or just wait and keep an eye out?
Kijiji... basically canadian eBay.

And no, that's 7 hours away from me.
Trent ships Ducklings...
Why be so sceptical? I have what I bought. No one ripped me off. Congrats! Go see the birds! Down here people sell pure and crosses.
Let me know what you found!?

I am skeptical because someone ripped me off with my first ducks. Said they were pure Rouens, and the parents were mixed breeds. :/
But! I found the CUTEST little ducklings ever, and I'm getting 8 of them. They're purebred Silver Appleyard and Welsh Harlequin. Picking them up on Sunday!


Although, @chickens really do you know what the differences are between Silver Appleyard and Welsh Harlequin ducklings?

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