Incubating guinea eggs and chicken eggs together?


8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
Can you incubate guinea eggs and chicken eggs together? I've been offered some guinea eggs but I have chicken eggs going into my incubator in a couple weeks. Could I start off the guinea eggs and then put in the chicken eggs when I get them? (assuming I have the turner by then. I don't think that would work without the turner.)
Yes, you can incubate them together, the same temp and humidity will typically work, but for lock down the Guinea eggs do better with 75% humidity or as close as you can get to that. I've never hatched chicken eggs so I don't know how well they do with the humidity that high tho. Incubating chicken eggs takes a week less than incubating Guinea eggs, so you'd need to add the chicken eggs about a week after the Guinea eggs, unless you have a separate hatcher to use, then it doesn't matter.

Good luck :)
I often do guinea & chicken eggs together. Last night we sat 52 guinea eggs & 5 dz chicken eggs. I use a separate hatcher so we label each tray with the proper dates & I try to always keep the oldest eggs at the top of my cabinet incubator & every Monday I lock down the top tray.

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