Incubation humidity ruined the eggs?


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2019
It is day 2 of incubation and we finally got the humidity to stay at 44%. However the last 48 hours were consistently at 70-75% humidity. Did I mess up these eggs completely or are they still able to hatch healthy?
Should be ok bc there is plenty of time for the air cell to get bigger over the incubation period now that the humidity is at a better level.

How was the humidity that high? Too much water? Ambient humidity in the surrounding area high?
Should be ok bc there is plenty of time for the air cell to get bigger over the incubation period now that the humidity is at a better level.

How was the humidity that high? Too much water? Ambient humidity in the surrounding area high?
My parents are using an amphibian incubator and so I tried to add water/completely remove the water but it was still too high so I now have the door barely barely cracked to let it out but I have the temperature constant. I was just worried if the first two days were very important and if I ruined the eggs but thank you for your reply!
Yes, too high of humidity can cause problems, if it stays consistently high (before lockdown). Since you caught it very early, pretty sure you should have success if no other issues. Around Day 4-7 you should have confirmation of developing chicks when you candle them!

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