Incubator got to hot?? Help


Jul 13, 2016
My incubator broke and got to a very high temperature although I was not able to record the temperature I guess it was over 105 degrees (above . It was only like this for about 5 minutes before I realised. The outside eggs cooled quickly but the one in the middle is still very very hot. What should I do? Will this kill my chicks?
My had my teacher do a bs incubator for eggs and day 18 she accidently bump up the temperature to 120 for 2 hours...... Pretty much killed them.
In my homemade very sturdy controlled mine have gone up to 105 for maybe a few minutes at a time and as low as 60's when a power outage occur.
Incubating eggs are very sturdy with colder temperatures because its natural to them. Unlike the high temps.
Hey, our kiddos "accidentally" unplugged mine to play with an electric car, LOL, and it got down to about 92. It was unplugged for about 9 hours. Luckily it was a very hot day in the nineties. What are my chances of surviving that? Thanks!
Hey, our kiddos "accidentally" unplugged mine to play with an electric car, LOL, and it got down to about 92. It was unplugged for about 9 hours. Luckily it was a very hot day in the nineties. What are my chances of surviving that? Thanks!
I don't think it will end up killing them. A few days ago, I went out with my friends for the day, and I was gone for about 4-5 hours, and when I got home the incubator temp was down to 74 because the plug like tripped or something, I don't know the exact terminology, but the incubator was still plugged in. it just wasn't getting any power. I'm guessing the incubator was 'off' for almost the whole time I was gone. The eggs were only on day 3, so they couldn't produce their own body heat yet really. I thought I had inadvertently killed them all. But today, on day 6(day three for an egg I put in 2 days later) all 7 embryos are alive and kicking. I have 8 eggs in a brinsea mini eco, and only one isn't fertile. And so far no quitters. Crossing my fingers that they all make it to hatch.

Also, what day are the eggs on? Because if they are around the upper teens, they are making their own body heat, which would have helped them stay warmer.
Whew, that's good. If the % drops a little, that's okay. I just didn't want a total loss. By the way, I had 60 in the hatch tray. 36 have hatched so far, which is a personal record.
So maybe I will unplug the incubator for 9 hours when they are in the hatch tray. Just kiddin'.
It is the other shelves that have me worried.

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