Incubator Malfunction?

Mar 30, 2020
So we are not new to incubating. We have incubated Coturnix quail several times and have two incubators that we run simultaneously. We have a MagicFly incubator and a Harris farms incubator. Historically, the MagicFly has given us the best hatch rates, but we have gotten hatching out of both incubators. We decided to incubate bantam eggs this go round and, of the 12 chicks that have hatched, they've all come from the Harris farms. None of the eggs in the MagicFly even had a single pip on them. We have a hygrometer in the MagicFly and the temperature in the MagicFly did not match the temperature on the display on top (it read about 91.5 instead of 99.5). After moving 9 chicks into the brooder, we decided to move the eggs from the MagicFly to the Harris farms. When we moved the eggs out of the MagicFly and into the Harris farms on day 20, the eggs felt cool. If we leave them in the Harris farms incubator, will we get anything to hatch you think? Or is it just a pipe dream and we have a malfunctioned MagicFly incubator?
So I thought we had good news (one egg started to pip but stopped) but after 3 more days, we had no more pipping and I stopped the incubation. We had one fully formed that just didn't hatch, and 5 that seemed to get 90-95% developed and just stopped 😟 Heartbroken for those little 6 that just didn't make it all the way.
Do you have a laser thermometer or a calibrated thermometer? Your magicfly could have been way overheated and in comparison the Harris farms Bator could make them feel cold. I wouldn't move them too much anymore at this point, that could effect the eggs more. Just try to get the temp/humidity correct in the Harris farms one.
I did and several were developed :( just hoping there might be hope for them yet?
I'd say so, as long as there aren't any drastic changes.
What incubator are they in now? When you last candled had any internally pipped? (you would have seen a beak inside the air cell or at least it trying to poke the membrane to get to the air cell).

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