incubator question


6 Years
Sep 26, 2013
How long does your incubator need to be on before adding the eggs? I'm a newbie to this and I want to make sure I'm doing things right. I want to ship some eggs but my incubator comes in the mail tomorrow. I can't read the directions because I don't know what brand the feed store ordered for me. They ordered from somewhere called VSI
okay so I'll run it for a full 24 long can fertilized eggs stay good. Does the 21 days mean days since being layed or days in the incubator? I know I'm showing my newness here.
21 days is how long they take to hatch in the incubator. I was told you could keep the eggs for about 2 weeks prior as long as they were kept out of the fridge.
I am learning too. My first batch is due to hatch tomorrow. Fertilized eggs stay good up to 2 wks in temps between 65-70 degrees and then will hatch after 21 days in the incubator at 99.5 degrees.

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