incubator questions- Which one is best!!!


14 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Hi Im new at incubating eggs. I have never done it. I would like to know which incubator you guys think is a good one to start with. I have about $50-$100 to spend. What would be a good easy incubator, that will do everything I need it to do. Please help me. Thank you~ Tacey Perkins
I might be in the minority here...but with that amount I'd buy an Little Giant incubator with a turner. I don't have the turner but I sure enjoy our LG!
The Little Giant has square corners, so the air doesn't circulate well. Go with a Hovabator instead. And if you can swing it, the Hovabator Genesis.

Kathy in Texas
If I had to choose between a turner or a fan, I definitely would go with the fan. Turner is absolutely great, but the fan is a must in my opinion. Of course that is just one persons opinion.

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