Incubator temp problem help help help!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 19, 2011
An hour ago I put my chicks in lockdown I put more water in and and turned them the final time. I've been watching the temp and it's not climbing over 83 degrees. I have the incubator turned up to the highest temp and still no change! I'm so nervous idk what to do. I use a still air incubator with no special attachments! Help me!
Do you have more than one thermometer? I'm wondering if the one you have is acting up. Also, where is it positioned? Is it in a different place from before? Could it possibly have water on it, and that's what is messing up the temperature?

Good luck with your hatch, I hope you have great rates.
It still air. I did move the thermostat and theres a chance it could have gotten water on it. But after an all night struggle I've got it back to the perfect temp. And amongst all my worrying one of the eggs was moving! I'm so excited!
GL with your hatch. My thermostat quit during the night of day 4, temps went to 87 I think, I had to replace the thermostat on the fly with another one. This one is holding steady after a day of babysitting.
It may not be the case here, but I have added water in the past and had a temp drop for a long time, then I realized I added COLD water. Once the water heated up the temp came back to normal.

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