

5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
I could really use some help figuring out what incubator to get. My pullets laid their first eggs this morning. They got some time before their eggs are viable enough to hatch but I saw that there are a bunch of sales this week so I want to buy the incubator now. One of my problems is the more I research incubators the less I know which one to get. The other problem is as much as I'd like to throw restraint to the wind and buy a $500 incubator, my second child is due any week now so I can't go spending frivolously right now.

I was looking at the brinsea maxi 2 eco it seems acceptable and the price is right but I'm seeing reviews about it not holding the right humidity during lockdown, my biggest draw toward it is capacity. I don't mind turning manually if I can hatch up to 30 eggs at a time but I'd be pretty sore about doing it only for the hatch to go feet up. Because of my family situation id prefer to keep the price under $200 but if the difference is really night and day I could go up a bit more.
I could really use some help figuring out what incubator to get. My pullets laid their first eggs this morning. They got some time before their eggs are viable enough to hatch but I saw that there are a bunch of sales this week so I want to buy the incubator now. One of my problems is the more I research incubators the less I know which one to get. The other problem is as much as I'd like to throw restraint to the wind and buy a $500 incubator, my second child is due any week now so I can't go spending frivolously right now.

I was looking at the brinsea maxi 2 eco it seems acceptable and the price is right but I'm seeing reviews about it not holding the right humidity during lockdown, my biggest draw toward it is capacity. I don't mind turning manually if I can hatch up to 30 eggs at a time but I'd be pretty sore about doing it only for the hatch to go feet up. Because of my family situation id prefer to keep the price under $200 but if the difference is really night and day I could go up a bit more.
Congrats on your soon to be new addition!!! I agree, the NR 360 for sure. It's an amazing incubator at an amazing price.
I could really use some help figuring out what incubator to get. My pullets laid their first eggs this morning. They got some time before their eggs are viable enough to hatch but I saw that there are a bunch of sales this week so I want to buy the incubator now. One of my problems is the more I research incubators the less I know which one to get. The other problem is as much as I'd like to throw restraint to the wind and buy a $500 incubator, my second child is due any week now so I can't go spending frivolously right now.

I was looking at the brinsea maxi 2 eco it seems acceptable and the price is right but I'm seeing reviews about it not holding the right humidity during lockdown, my biggest draw toward it is capacity. I don't mind turning manually if I can hatch up to 30 eggs at a time but I'd be pretty sore about doing it only for the hatch to go feet up. Because of my family situation id prefer to keep the price under $200 but if the difference is really night and day I could go up a bit more.
I looked at the incubators that everybody are recommending and they still are a bit pricey. If you are looking for a bit cheaper you can look into any auctions near you. I got mine from an auction, it would be better to buy a new one but it does the job and I did get a few chicks out of it obviously not the best choice but whatever seems better for you

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