
How long was it low like that? If it was only for a couple hours, it will probably be okay.
No its was 8 days I got a temp to put in the incubator that’s when I notice the temp was only 83F and on the incubator it was 38.7C which should have been the right temperature but when I put my temperature gauge in it was only 83F
Yes, double check to make sure it's the new thermometer that's right, because if it's the thermometer that's wrong, you're going to cook the eggs.

If it was that low the entire time, you can hope that the eggs never started develop and they might be able to start now. If they did start, the temperatures wouldn't be high enough for the embryo to properly develop and they probably would have died.

Which brings me to my next question, have you candled? If so, does the embryo look normal for day eight? If it does, turn the temperature back down right away because it's probably the new thermometer that's wrong.
Yes I did and the temperature that I put in said the same as the other the temp on the incubator is the same now my temperature is between 97F and 99F I recalibrate the temperature gauge on the incubator and that’s when the temperature went to 97F to 99F
Candled what I got to look for

Yes I did and the temperature that I put in said the same as the other the temp on the incubator is the same now my temperature is between 97F and 99F I recalibrate the temperature gauge on the incubator and that’s when the temperature went to 97F to 99F

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