Incubators and my electricity bill!!

Heat Lamps cause a significant increase in my rural Co-op Electric bill.

This topic sent me to my calculator and it appears my small homemade set up costs me about $25 per month. It is an easy calculation; you pay by KWH (kilowatt hour). Add up the wattage of all the devices that you use, including incubators, brooders etc. (remember that the incubator is not always pulling power) Then multiply that by .72 (24 hrs x 30 days divided by 1000). This is the total KWH that you’re set up uses. Multiply that by the rate you pay on your utility bill and you have the cost. My total wattage is 220, times .72 is 158.4 KWH, and times my rate of $0.1568 equals $24.84 per month. The distance from your meter and extension cords have some bearing on the cost, but this should give you a good approximation. Hope someone finds this useful.
I think I just realized why my 'lectric bill didn't go down when we quit using the a/c.

About that time I got new chicks, PLUS my 85watt bulb burned out so I had to revert to a 250watt-er
My bill has same month comparison from year to year. I find it depressing that every year I pay more, but use less. If your bill has the same kind of thing on it take a quick look and see how much more electricity you used compared to the previous year.
Thanks for posting this! Anyone know how to figure out the wattage of an incubator?

Most are around 40 watts but that isn't continuous.

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