Incubators Anonymous

next time i set eggs, i'm going to have to remember to set the different color eggs on different days. i've got a mixed assortment hatching today.

at least i can tell them apart somewhat... pure dorks will be 5 toes and single comb, half dorking will be 5 toed. half wyandotte is rose comb, half ee is pea comb. from my ee roo, he's got feathered feet and a crest too. oh and the half buff orpington, are hatching out all buff. LOL that's the easy one.

so far i've had 1 blue egg hatch and 2 light browns. of those 2, 1 is buff. all have 5 toes. can't tell on combs yet tho, but i think 1 was rose. so the other would have to be the ee. (wyandotte x ee or orp would have only 4 toes)

good thing i like jigsaw puzzles. LOL putting the pieces together of chick genetics is interesting, to say the least. just hoping i manage to get a pure dork somewhere along the lines.

Do you sell Dorking hatching eggs? I was thinking of starting a small flock primarily for meat...

Oh, also I've had half EE hatch with a straight comb. Well, the mother was a pure Am, not actually an EE. Supposedly, lol.
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Quote: I use only the ACTIVATED. It is not any different than the oxine on the warning label, just STRONGER and you can use less of it. Both tell you not to use it around the animals and to wear a mask. Same directions. Not really sure where the information is coming from about the activated Oxine being dangerous. I put it in the water, clean the pens with it, use it in the hatcher and incubator ALL ACTIVATED.

The major thing with Activated is you need to do it OUT SIDE when you activate it. After it is activated it is fine. I have been using activated for months. Really extends the reg Oxine too. Use much less. 1 oz of Activated in a 55 gallon barrel as apposed to 3.5 oz. I make a 5 gallon bucket of CLEANING water (for pens) and only use 3.5 oz of oxine and can clean all my 10 breeding pens runs and all.

If you just have a few birds you may not want to activate it. I have HUNDREDS and use it so often I need to activate it to extend it.
Just looked up the price for a gallon of oxine. I can't spend $35 on a gallon of cleaner for the chickens right now, so I'll work with the vinegar. Sounds like great stuff though.

Odoban is not that expensive. I buy a gallon at sam's for $10 and I think walmart sell a smaller container.

Oxine is only $20 a gallon..... I buy 4 because the shipping is about the same. I would think $35 with shipping is about right. It is just something that I think every chicken person should have on hand.
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Odoban is AMAZING and yeah, only $10 for a VERY concentrated gallon. I got mine at home depot at it came with a spray bottle too. I clean all my animal cages with it!
Odoban is not that expensive. I buy a gallon at sam's for $10 and I think walmart sell a smaller container.

Oxine is only $20 a gallon..... I buy 4 because the shipping is about the same. I would think $35 with shipping is about right. It is just something that I think every chicken person should have on hand.
I have to go to Walmart today, so I'll look for the Odoban. The Oxine I found online was $25 + $10 in shipping. I totally agree, it sounds amazing. It's too bad they only sell it by the gallon. A smaller size would cost less to ship.
Quote: yes, i will, but right now i've just got assorted eggs... unless you don't mind dorking mutts.

i've thought of some names... i have a dorkington, a wyandork and a dorukana. might also get some orpingdottes or ameridottes too. possibly an orpingkana.

can you guess what they are? 8)

i figure if the mutts can have 'designer' names and bring high dollars, maybe mine can too.

yes, i will, but right now i've just got assorted eggs... unless you don't mind dorking mutts.

i've thought of some names... i have a dorkington, a wyandork and a dorukana. might also get some orpingdottes or ameridottes too. possibly an orpingkana.

can you guess what they are? 8)

i figure if the mutts can have 'designer' names and bring high dollars, maybe mine can too.

I would like a dozen Dorkanas please.. and are those Amer"i"dottes or Amer"au"dottes?
Love them crosses! I think the Buff Ams started out as Ameraudottes... they still look like it.
Quote: well, my ee girls are free ranged with 4 dorking (3 sg 1 red) 1 blrw and 1 splash laced-ish ee roos...

if you want an overall assortment, there's a chance you could get pure EE (is that an oxymoron?) pure blrw, pure red and pure sg dorkings. plus the mixes too of course...
kind of a grab bag of sorts. the cochins are all babies, so no eggs from them. sorry.

pm me for more info...
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