Incubators Anonymous

Getting ready to try setting eggs again in a month! I moved my EE roo over to my layer coop on Friday. He's in the dog crate right now so they wouldn't beat up on him too much. He's about 6mo old. I'm probably going to let him out today and see if they are alright with him. Is it reasonable to think that I could set eggs in a month, or do you think he'll be too immature still? Some of the pullets are almost a year, others are 6-8mo old.
It's probably still too early to say, but I'm thinking this guy is still immature. He's not doing any 'courting' behaviors that I've seen, and my top hen keeps chasing him around and attacking him.
I'm tempted to toss my Wyandotte boy (2 weeks older than EE) in there, but I want more green egg layers, darn it!!! How can I become a dedicated hatch-a-holic if my chickens won't cooperate?
I have not slept since Dec.
wow, you must be REAL tired.

i'm a zombie if i don't get at least 8 hours in every night. but then again, i've learned the less i harrass my incubators the better they do for me. LOL

(maybe harrass is the wrong word, but you know what i mean. i hope)
I have not slept since Dec.
Wow that's stamina!
Quote: I know what you mean.. lol I agree. Most of them are fine and don't even really need to be watched. I just don't trust that one. In general though, I touch them as little as possible. I really don't want to lose the eggs in it, not even one if I can help it. Man, am I tired. I need at least 3 more cups of coffee.

Making some fresh chicken enchiladas today. The chickens have been resting in the refrigerator for several days but they're ready to go. Yum.
I candled 250 eggs last night, and now we are on lockdown!

How many on lockdown and whatcha got? I have another batch going into lockdown on the 7th... that brooder box is getting full. Must move some chickies
Less than 60 these next two hatches then the BIG batches will go into lockdown.... may have to use the incubator to do some hatching too..... not sure if I can get the humidity up in there enough. 120 is the most I have ever locked down. OH I have my old incubator..... maybe I need to fire that thing up for a few hatches.

My GSBR eggs are on their way
3 doz.
How many on lockdown and whatcha got? I have another batch going into lockdown on the 7th... that brooder box is getting full. Must move some chickies
Less than 60 these next two hatches then the BIG batches will go into lockdown.... may have to use the incubator to do some hatching too..... not sure if I can get the humidity up in there enough. 120 is the most I have ever locked down. OH I have my old incubator..... maybe I need to fire that thing up for a few hatches.

My GSBR eggs are on their way
3 doz.
Are you kidding? I was too busy candling to count! Stuffed in some of every breed I have that is laying, and some I bought at auction locally. Now I have to get the trays and load those suckers up for easter hatching. This is the most I have locked down at once. Need to build more brooders. Old brooders have bunnies in them!

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