Incubators Anonymous

Sorry Oz I didn't think to offer you any for your project- - guess I thought East Coast was too far for some unknown reason . . . .
No worries Arielle. I have taken eggs from all over. The key is to get the freshest eggs I can if coming from the east coast thou with the trip last week, the heatwaves in california did a number on the eggs I received both locally and via USPS.

I do need turkeys to complete my project - but it may be next year. I am on the hunt for Black Australorps and Marans for next trip also
Ok, thanks for all the replies! I will try to find some 1/4" hardware cloth. Did yall mean drawer liner as in the stuff you lay down on the bottom of an actual drawer to lay your kitchen ware on? The ones you would find at Bed Bath and Beyond? If so do you just lay that on the bottom and put the eggs on that or do put hardware cloth over it? And with that, do I lay it down directly on the drawer liner or do I put it where the egg turner was?
Sorry for all the questions I just want to do it right the first time

Oh, and I looked again at the incubator and it is a Little Giant Still Air #9200 and is styrofoam. Don't know if this helps but might as well put it out there anyways. I saw on the box where it said the model # for the forced air.
Oh, and can I put bantam eggs in the regular-sized auto. turner or do I need the quail rack?

And with the partridge cochins, I only have a few white girls. Hoping to get a SQ or BQ pair this fall! I don't know if Cathy Gleason in Dallas has partridge but she has Plymouth rocks... if you are really serious about it I know that Bo Garrett raises some partridge. He lives in Oklahoma and is a member. Any other breeds you need? lol voila :)
Originally Posted by PrestonC
Bo Garrett raises some partridge. He lives in Oklahoma and is a member. Any other breeds you need? lol

Is Bo raising LF Cochins? I'd really like some very dark eggs too. I prefer the CM but for the really dark eggs I'll have to go with the FBCM. I have spent too much money on hatching eggs, cant hatch the FBCM to save my life. Guess I'll be shipping chicks next spring. I have several nice Welsumer I'd like to add to. I just never have the room in the bator at the right time.
The drawer liner is the rubbery net stuff you can buy at Wally or even the Dollar stores. You can put most eggs in the turner, tho some of the smaller ones need the "quail cups", I've seen people use the mini cupcake liners.
at the moment I've got my silver grey dorkings penned and they're laying well. 7 girls 2 are coming from being broody but i'm still getting 4-5 a day reliably right now.
i am a big fan of dorkings and they are on indeed my list. can I contact you mid august?

i need
golden sebright banties
jersey giants

if i can get these breeds going I will have all i need

my recent hatch saw enough lav orps, buff orps, RIR, barred rocks,

i have ameraucana, lemon cuckoo orps, andalusians, breda fowl incubating.
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lol what is it with partridge roos? I can't seem to find one either, tho I have 3 very nice girls. 2 are split mille fleur tho so they're in that pen, the other partridge girl is playing 'second fiddle' for my blrw bantam pair. LOL at least I can tell the eggs apart.

There is a Tennessee BYC member who has gorgeous partridge silkies. He sells his eggs on Ebay occasionally. I am having a brainfart at the moment (no coffee yet) and can't get his BYC name out. He is on the Middle TN thread alot. I have seen one other partridge silkie that are as good as his but almost all that I have seen pictures of don't even come close.
Quote: partridge cochins... (bantam). that's what I was quoting about.
I don't do silkies. my breeds need to be able to free range without fear of drowning or becoming prey because they can't see well. LOL and I've got more than enough broodies with the dorkings and cochins. LOL i'm down to 4 now... tho I think 2 are contemplating it (again).
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partridge cochins... (bantam). that's what I was quoting about.
I don't do silkies. my breeds need to be able to free range without fear of drowning or becoming prey because they can't see well. LOL and I've got more than enough broodies with the dorkings and cochins. LOL i'm down to 4 now... tho I think 2 are contemplating it (again).
i could use a dozen broodies lol.

it would sure save some power running the bators and hens are way better at humidity control
Originally Posted by PrestonC
Bo Garrett raises some partridge. He lives in Oklahoma and is a member. Any other breeds you need? lol

Is Bo raising LF Cochins? I'd really like some very dark eggs too. I prefer the CM but for the really dark eggs I'll have to go with the FBCM. I have spent too much money on hatching eggs, cant hatch the FBCM to save my life. Guess I'll be shipping chicks next spring. I have several nice Welsumer I'd like to add to. I just never have the room in the bator at the right time.
The drawer liner is the rubbery net stuff you can buy at Wally or even the Dollar stores. You can put most eggs in the turner, tho some of the smaller ones need the "quail cups", I've seen people use the mini cupcake liners.

I got some LF partridge cochins from Mc Murray and they were pretty nice, i'm sure they still have them.

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