Incubators Anonymous

It really does seem to be all about the packaging... not that the post can't still scramble them if they try hard enough. I am going to try to only get eggs that detail how they package them ( that meets approval) or feedback that is immensely impressed and describes packaging to my approval. To pack eggs that well requires a good amount of effort and time. I was less picky with my last eggs and am lucky to have 2 developing and close to hatch. The Seramas I had shipped I knew would be well packaged and out of 24 I had 13 make it to day 18 and 9 hatched.
I do try to get my eggs locally and when I do I have amazing hatch rates and it is so much less stressful!
So what is the best way to pack shipped eggs?

That is a great debate. Some of my best hatches have come from bubble wrapped, but allowing air so no sweating, or tightly packed in a big box, no egg cartoon, tons of tightly packed shredded paper. Foam Egg Envelopes. Eggs well spaced. If using an egg carton, leave spaces... the box can be delivered just fine, but the eggs have touched each other in their ride. Just my opinion.
Completely agree! I am trying at this point to get local eggs that I can pick up. My experiences with shipped eggs have not been very successful
I never really questioned the seller or quality because they had so much positive feedback and they did an amazing job with packing/shipping in my experiences. I just think that the mail and environmental issues(heat or cold) were too hard on them. I figure picking them up should eliminate this and hopefully get a better hatch!
Exactly! The post office only has to toss the box one time to detach the air cells. A couple of times, and you may as well make an omlette.

On a separate note: Has anyone ever used the "Special Handling" service with the post office? It supposedly means your package gets similar handling that live poultry gets...hand carried, etc.. From what I understand, it costs an extra $10-13 in shipping.
Quote: I wrap eggs in bubble wrap all the time and have reports of GREAT hatches. The key with eggs is they can't move. The moving in shipping is what causes issues. I don't get reports of wet eggs ever so my guess is the ones that sweat are kept in a really cool place and then when wrapped get warm and sweat. I don't keep my eggs cool. They are just at room temp.
This is my take on eggs for shipping..... the eggs can't move. I use special bubble wrap that sticks to itself but when I didn't have that I make small pieces of styrofoam to put between the eggs to keep them from moving. DO NOT USE SHREDDED PAPER. The paper is HEAVY and will pack down too much and not give you the protection you need. I put peanuts on the bottom, air pillows on the sides eggs in the middle and either peanuts or more bubble wrap on top. I over fill the box with packing material as it always settles in shipping.

Other things that cause poor hatches

Some breeds just don't travel well. Silkies, Wyandottes I don't ship those eggs usually because of that. I would rather set them and sell chicks.
Pullet eggs travel better than hen eggs. I know there is a huge debate as to whether you should even hatch pullet eggs ..... YES and they are the best to ship too. Hens over 18 months eggs don't travel well.
How old are the eggs?
Where are they coming from? Don't order eggs from Alaska if you are in FL. The closer the better.
Not all chicken people are honest and fertility may not be up to selling, some people just do this for the money and have no morals. I don't sell eggs that are questionable..... if I do I am clear what I am getting in fertility and usually send a lot more eggs so you can have a better hatch of chicks.

Man I need to sell some eggs..... of to the Just In time thread to post some eggs!
I wrap eggs in bubble wrap all the time and have reports of GREAT hatches. The key with eggs is they can't move. The moving in shipping is what causes issues. I don't get reports of wet eggs ever so my guess is the ones that sweat are kept in a really cool place and then when wrapped get warm and sweat. I don't keep my eggs cool. They are just at room temp.

I am glad you are having good success, and I have hatched a lot of shipped eggs this year. (Good eggs are hard to find in my area) I am not sure why they sweat, but I don't even put the sweaty eggs in the incubator anymore. If they are damp, I throw them out. I am not trying to make anyone wrong. I am just reporting my very small collection of data. I agree with you on Temp, and also on the key being they don't move!!! If you eggs are doing well, don't change a thing!
Not really a lesson not to set shipped eggs...I mean if you have them shipped, why not set them, right? More of a lesson of spending over $500 on shipped eggs and getting 9 chicks from it, four of which were 'bonus eggs' of breeds that I did not order, so do not count toward my breeding goal which means five chicks for $500. I could have ordered the five chicks direct from Greenfire for that price and been way ahead of the game.

My point is that shipped eggs are a gamble..roll of the dice. You have way too many variables beyond your (as a buyer) control to rely on shipped eggs for anything more than a hopeful dream come true. The bottom line is that Everything about shipped eggs can be blamed on post office handling....EVERYTHING. If you choose to order shipped eggs, and they don't hatch, you better be prepared to blame the post office. Period.

I sent a message to a somewhat local ebay seller...I love your birds! Do you allow pickups? they replied" Of course, but my eggs (in the auction) are not fertile right now, so you will have to wait until they are" yet they continued to sell the eggs on ebay. Point made.

I also had a seller reject my bid.." what happened" I asked..she said..i discovered my rooster is not doing his job, but I will let you know when he I ordered from her 18 hatching eggs of a different breed and she GAVE me 12 of the eggs in question. ( why not, she's honest about my bid on her auction, right?) ONE was fertile of the 12 FREE eggs (from the rooster not doing his job) and 15 of the 18 are currently in lockdown. (plus the 'freebie') What is THAT hatch rate? Awesome, that's what!

I answered a late night ad for cream legbar eggs (must set now!! ) from a seller...about an hour+ away from me. He said..sorry, it was too late, I had to set them, but due to an unimportant, but technical issue, agreed to let me know when he had more eggs. One random Tuesday afternoon he says "I have your eggs!" so I drop everything to drive an hour and a half and 13 of the 13 eggs he gives me develop.

Face to face is best for me. Shipped eggs have some VERY dedicated sellers and some very NOT dedicated sellers..that's where YOU take the gamble on who to trust.

the bottom line should be arrived at by yourself. this is just my experience.

That was a very expensive lesson and/or those are some very expensive chickens.
Thank you for the advice and for sharing your experiences!!!

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