Incubators Anonymous

I have a question guys and dolls!!! I'm on day 19 and in lock down! My temp went down to 95 what should I do? I don't want to close up my vents due to the fact they need oxygen. HELP!!

Can you close some vents and leave others or one open? Can you put a towel over the incubator to keep some heat in. 95 is still pretty warm and they will be generating some of their own heat by this time... if you could get it up to 97 or 98... let us know how it's going!
That's great news! Please share pics of the results.

(My daughter wants some, but I don't think this breed will do well with our severe winters. We must live vicariously through others.)

We'll see how they do... they are shipping all the way from Kentucky but I just couldn't resist, they have really cool birds. Someone is sending me Serama eggs from Montana too (on a trade) so it will be interesting. We have already had some low temperatures for us...below freezing and the birds all did fine... I am a little concerned about when it gets to 15 degrees which is about as cold as it ever gets here. I live vicariously through people who have warmer weather than we do but I remember the Midwest winters... BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Find a large towel (assuming you are using a Styrofoam incubator) and fold it in half lengthwise. Wrap it around the bator covering the seam where the lid and bottom meet and fasten the it with a clothespin. then take a couple of wash cloths and cover the windows. Leave all the vent openings open for oxygen as you suggested. The temp should rise a couple of degrees in a half hour or less. You probably had a room temp drop that the incubator couldn't handle, or you added cold water to the incubator. that will cause a temperature drop. Be sure only to add warm water..body temperature to the incubator or the water temp will mess with your incubator temperature. I wouldn't worry about the drop so long as you get the temp up within a few hours. GOOD LUCK!!
I have a question guys and dolls!!! I'm on day 19 and in lock down! My temp went down to 95 what should I do? I don't want to close up my vents due to the fact they need oxygen. HELP!!
Don't close the vents. Does it have a thermostat? Will it not increase? If not the room must be to cold, either move it to a warmer room or put a blanket over about 3/4ths of it.
Zanlm, would you explain your incubator?? What kind of thermostat are you using. Are you using a light bulb for heat? Thanks

We got the big foam cooler from Walmart and cut a window out on the top of one side. Put a piece of glass from a 8x10 picture frame on the top and taped it down then put one on the inside and taped it down as well as putting small nails in to keep it in. Then we put a small fan from a old computer on the opposite end of window but faced it toward the wall so it would bounce off to circulate more. Then we cut a hole out on the same end for the light buld. I believe it's a 15 watt. We also lined that side with aluminum foil. I will take a picture.


We got the big foam cooler from Walmart and cut a window out on the top of one side. Put a piece of glass from a 8x10 picture frame on the top and taped it down then put one on the inside and taped it down as well as putting small nails in to keep it in. Then we put a small fan from a old computer on the opposite end of window but faced it toward the wall so it would bounce off to circulate more. Then we cut a hole out on the same end for the light buld. I believe it's a 15 watt. We also lined that side with aluminum foil. I will take a picture.
You did not mention a thermostat. You got to have a thermostat either manual or mechanical. Thats why you are having problems with your temp. If you put a thermostat in it and increase the bulb size so it will cycle on and off I am sure you will stand a better chance of hatching in it. You can get a hot water thermo for cheap or a wafer thermostat for $20 or so.

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