Incubators Anonymous

Thanks for your responses!!! One more question please? This is a buff orpington roo (thought he was a she at first to add to my egg laying flock ;) in with cuckoo maran hens. What would chicks of that cross look like?
I have no idea sorry. I am trying to find Orphinton eggs to hatch because that's all I want in my flock. I finally found some at papas poultry. Wish I could help you more.
Just a little excited here, my 1st time incubating and it's day 10,and from 12 eggs, it looks like I have about 5 with veins
I know not to count my chickens ect...... but I'm still excited.......
Thanks for your responses!!! One more question please? This is a buff orpington roo (thought he was a she at first to add to my egg laying flock
in with cuckoo maran hens. What would chicks of that cross look like?

IDK either.
I've had two Orpington crosses. One with a GLW:

And one with a New Hampshire Red:

The one on the left. We thought it was a girl, but it turned out to be a rooster.
I'm sorry I can't find a better picture of him.

Just a little excited here, my 1st time incubating and it's day 10,and from 12 eggs, it looks like I have about 5 with veins
I know not to count my chickens ect...... but I'm still excited.......


I have 1/3 eggs pipped!!! Am SSOOOOOOOOO excited!!!
Pips are exciting!!!

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