Incubators Anonymous

I'm an idjit. I wasn't keeping up with the days and then thought I'd better see what day my bator full of CCL eggs are due to hatch, and realized they are due tomorrow and they weren't in lockdown!

I got the bator off the cradle real quick and added the wet sponges. Here's hoping.
I'm an idjit. I wasn't keeping up with the days and then thought I'd better see what day my bator full of CCL eggs are due to hatch, and realized they are due tomorrow and they weren't in lockdown!

I got the bator off the cradle real quick and added the wet sponges. Here's hoping.
You are not a "Idjit"---you probably got ALOT going on!!!

I have done worse---I looked in my styrofoam incubator and seen a couple had pipped---I just quickly, gently picked the eggs up and set them in egg cartons with the top torn off, removed the turner and placed the cartons back in the bator(was afraid to lay the eggs on their side) with increased moisture. I still had a good hatch. Good Luck!!
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Well my first attempt at hatching failed miserably. I lost them all due to a heating element failure in a brand new incubator half way thru embryo development. I thought I had fixed the problem and had reordered more eggs for a second try. But it stopped warming again on the delivery day of my eggs. I really wanted my gold legbars eggs to hatch for the New Year Hatchalong. After seeing how depressed I was, later that day my husband appeared in the doorway with a brand new incubator. "Merry Christmas" he told me. I like his style. So now I'm thrilled to try again just in time. After stressing so much over the first batch I hope the second time around gets a little easier.

Good hubby! I wish mine would do that! lol are your eggs doing???? Haven't been on in a while. I was reading on another thread about your hoping one of your girls would go broody, but didn't happen
My girl will "debate" about going broody sometimes for a 2-3 weeks before she actually sits....she currently has been "debating" for about 2 weeks now...LOL! She gets all clucky and puffs up while shes walking around, but then goes back to normal chicken behavior....crazy girls!!

I got two chicks yesterday, looks like it might be one girl and one boy (that's to have a flock for my one girl that hatched three weeks ago). Two more eggs are looking good to hatch in the next few days and two more look like they might hatch by the end of next week, and then I have two more that have only been in for a week. I hope they don't take four-five weeks to hatch like some of these other chicks.
Yeah, she didn't set for me. Yup, they're crazy girls!
Good hubby! I wish mine would do that! lol

I got two chicks yesterday, looks like it might be one girl and one boy (that's to have a flock for my one girl that hatched three weeks ago). Two more eggs are looking good to hatch in the next few days and two more look like they might hatch by the end of next week, and then I have two more that have only been in for a week. I hope they don't take four-five weeks to hatch like some of these other chicks.
Yeah, she didn't set for me. Yup, they're crazy girls!

YAY!!!! Congrats
and good luck with your other eggs
What kind of chicks are you hatching to create your new flock?
well .. couldn't help it any longer ... I got the hovabator full of eggs .. and gunna fill the second up too ( so ill have two hatches within a few days of each other ! =) the roosters are bantam cochins .. and mamas .. well ees turken speckled Sussex australorp .. there is some batny cochin hen eggs in there ... they just don't lay as much lol .. then hens were just layin more than we could eat .. so I had to do something with them right ?? lol =)
well .. couldn't help it any longer ... I got the hovabator full of eggs .. and gunna fill the second up too ( so ill have two hatches within a few days of each other ! =) the roosters are bantam cochins .. and mamas .. well ees turken speckled Sussex australorp .. there is some batny cochin hen eggs in there ... they just don't lay as much lol .. then hens were just layin more than we could eat .. so I had to do something with them right ?? lol =)

Congrats! How do you care for chicks in the winter?

Wish I had the problem of too many eggs. We have a dozen chickens & only 3 are laying. (Some molt & all the blue egg layers are on break until the daylight hours get longer.)

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