Incubators Anonymous

Ok so I bought an incubator that I got from ebay.... it has a fan and it keeps temp really well I am having issues keeping the humidity at 55 it wants to jump around so my question is any idea on how to get it to stay at one humidity
Ok so I bought an incubator that I got from ebay.... it has a fan and it keeps temp really well I am having issues keeping the humidity at 55 it wants to jump around so my question is any idea on how to get it to stay at one humidity

Does it have holes in it. Maybe you could plug those.(it will change the temp) It could be blowing out the humidity with the fan. Also how deep is your water bowl? Surface area affects the amount of humidity. If it is running dry a deeper container may help and reduce the time it is open while refilling.
Alright I have only been Incubating for a little over 40 yrs so I still know very little but it might be enough to give you some help in your problems I hope and if you are determined to open your incubator make sure there you haven't any wind blowing even a celling fan as this will give you problems and no you are not a hen and they work much different them a machine and that is what you are using correct . Yes I incubate in these temperatures and yes it got hotter up here and the school is down at the valley floor so it is cooler down there . Here is some of the chicks I hatched this summer and I do open my incubator and add eggs so they do not all hatch at the same time now the trick to this is practice also every location is different as our winters are only cold enough for three days to freeze water . Location, Location, Location , If you are opening your incubator make sure the room is 92F degrees or better for best results . Now this momma found an out of the way place to make a nest and yes she has a chick under her :jumpy This is the incubator I have been using for the last 20 years Inside the incubator, if you look at these eggs the marks are on the side reason these are eggs I purchased on e-bay so they did not start of correctly but they did hatch . gander007 :old
s looking at the temp controller you have how does it work good-bad any issues? I'm building a better incubator than this Chinese thing I have
s looking at the temp controller you have how does it work good-bad any issues? I'm building a better incubator than this Chinese thing I have

I have the stc1000 temp controller on my Hatcher and incubator. They work great! I am going to get another one to put in my broader in the chicken coop. Money well spent in my opinion.
I'm glad I saw yours I have been wondering about them I'm thinking about building a better incubator and have ran across that unit several times just not in action. Thanks for the info I might be asking you some questions when I get my two as to setting them up

My homemade incubator, used roberts farms designs with some of my own changes.

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