Incuview Incubator

Well good luck with ur next hatch if that's what u were meaning and today is day 20 and nothing yet I am hoping for something soon I can't wait any longer I am very impatient I don't even have the patience to go fishing I either need to catch a fish within about 15-20 minutes or i am done I can't stand sitting there doing nothing waiting and waiting

How did your hatch go? customer service is amazing!!!

My husband ordered me the incuview to surprise me for my birthday and unfortunately it was destroyed by USPS. We assume it fell off the delivery truck as a passer by found it in the street and delivered the destroyed package to us.
my hubby was bummed his surprise for me was ruined and he showed me my broken surprise - he was convinced he wouldn't get it replaced by my birthday.

I called incubator warehouse and they were empathetic to the situation and sent me out a new incubator the very next day!

All I had to do was send picture of the damage do they could open a claim with usps-

Incubator warehouse made the replacement process so easy and fast I would recommend them as this kind of customer service is so rare to find these days!

They did this so quickly, I likely will have my new incubator well before my birthday ( April 2) and this is one birthday present I will be super EGG-cited to get early!!!

We are urban chicken keepers I had been eyeing this incubator because my kids and I love the space & visibility - I had a brinsea mini advance before , but it was stolen last year after I let someone from a Facebook chicken group " borrow" it. I felt it was cramped and look foward to trying the incuview.

I will surely be posting pics of future hatches!

Jennifer B.

Thank you Incubator warehouse!!!

WOW !!
my replacement for here so fast!!!! Called Tuesday- replacement mailed out Wed , ARRIVED Friday!!!!
Hi everybody. My eggs went in lockdown last night. I didn't incubate them in my Incuview, but I decided to hatch them in it. (I was saving my incuview in case my turkeys started laying and I didn't want it to be occupied, but silly me, the turkeys were not that fast!)

But part of the challenge was also to see if I could make my homemade Styrofoam incubator work. If anything goes wrong with this hatch, I will blame in on the DIY bator, because it was really trial an error for the last 18 days with temps and humidity all over the place and many improvements being added to the cooler as I went along. But in spite of all that, all of the eggs I set which were not infertile (all the eggs from one specific hen were infertile), still showed signs of increased development between candling on day 14 and candling on day 18. So I haven't killed off any of them yet. Now to see if they are viable enough to get through pipping etc.

Here's pics of them in the Incuview.

And the now empty DIY bator sitting next to the Incuview:

I hope I laid the eggs down in there ok. They don't have very big air cells, and I took the turning tray out of the Incuview so I could separate the two eggs that didn't come from the same mother.

Also, the temp was running a little high, so I fiddled with the settings. The incuview instructions don't mention to turn the temp down for lockdown, so I hope it's OK that I did.

Do those of you using the Incuview adjust for lockdown, or just leave it as is?
WOW !!
my replacement for here so fast!!!! Called Tuesday- replacement mailed out Wed , ARRIVED Friday!!!!

Hatching eggs are in!

So my egg turner had just a small easily remedied flaw - the hole for the turned was just place to close to the turner ( so close I couldn't even assemble it without taking it apart - I felt the pressure from it being so close may impede the turning ability so I took it of and took a rasp and filed the hole to be a little bigger . Put back together and it is working beautifully :)



Up and running!
Here's a dumb question. (I know it must be dumb, because I searched the forum and no one else ever asked it.) If the lights are off at night and it's dark in the incubator, will the chicks continue pipping and zipping, or will they go to sleep?

I ask this because I had two chicks hatch last night and two more pip. Around 1am I finally turned out the lights and went to bed. Got up at 6 expecting to see a lot of hatchlings, or at least the two that had started, but they hadn't seemed to do anything at all overnight. So I left the light on and went back to bed until 7, and lo and behold, there was another one hatched and three more pipped. It's like they woke up once I put on the light.

So, for tonight, should I leave the light on so the last two eggs can hatch sooner, or should I turn it off so they can all get some rest?
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