Indian Runner duck


Jul 17, 2015
I have two Indian runner ducks one of which i raised and the other one was recently bought. Both have the same stance, but don't appear to look anything like the ones on the internet as they don't stand up as straight, the drake is a bit fatter then the ones on the internet. So i was wondering if theres a chance he could be crossed with a pekin. The only time he stands up like the ones on the internet is when i call him or he hears something.
My Runners range from just a little heavier and more leaned over than show quality, to rather buxom!

If you can upload photo's that's always nice - we all enjoy duck pictures.

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Thanks i will put pics on soon to show you Prince (my drake) and Cookies (my duck). Cookies my duck seems to be losing feethers and looks scruffy and her bill is a greeny colour this could be just colouring and she could be just moulting but i just want to check as these are my first ducks.

I love your Indian runner ducks they have great colouring.
Something those of us with drakes need to do is make sure the drake is not overmating the duck. Missing feathers especially on the head and back of the neck is a clue. Sometimes those boys need a time out - and seriously, the girl ducks' lives depend on us protecting them. Often it's just the time of year. Each drake is different.
Thanks Amiga. The duck is only 3 months old but the drake is 6 months. So do you think he could have started yet?

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