Indian Runner Ducks vs. Cambell Duck vs. Muscovy Ducks

elderberry rex

8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
I've had chickens but never ducks...that is going to change in the spring. I belive I'm going to go with Indian Runner Ducks but I have no fist hand knolage just what I've read on the internet. I like that the runners are great foragers, good egg layers, and wingless. My kids and wife have also fallan in love with how the runnners look after watching youtube vidios. The other two ducks that I have really looked at are Cambell Ducks ( would lay more eggs), and Muscovy Ducks ( looks like a great all around Duck). I have about 13 acres of pasture/feild some of which I will be planting things on. And also more woods then the ducks could take advantage of. I have a large pond (35 yards by 30 yards?). I also have a brook that flows just inside the woodline of my propery. I'm looking for eggs right now not a table bird. I like the idea that the runner ducks will forage more and cut down on the food bill. Any thoughts from people that own these ducks? And can you mix types?
I have 5 ducks right now. A Khaki Campbell, 3 of her babies which are Campbell/ Runner mixes, and a Pekin. I had a Runner drake but rehomed him when he started to get aggressive. My Campbell girl and her three daughters lay almost everyday. They lay an egg thats like a large to extra large chicken egg. My pekin lays every other day to every 3rd day depending. Her egg is larger.They are not real friendly like coming up to get petted and the likes but they are good, not aggressive and will go to their coop and run in the evening before dark. All I have to tell them is its time to go home and they run right into their run. I do recommend locking them up at night as I had one taken by what I think was an owl when my DH forgot to lock them up one night. Remember with Campbells and runners they can not fly more then a few feet off the ground so they cant get away from preditors as easy.Another piece of advice, never brood ducklings in the house in the winter. THEY STINK!!! No matter how often you clean the brooder they will make a mess and stink.
I started out with 5 indian runners for the same reasons you've listed. Great foragers, goofy looking run, and good egg laying ability. The one piece of information I had missed was the part about the nervous nature of runner ducks. They definitely calm down once they get used to treats and what not, but I've never had the time to really work with them.

About 6 months after I got the runners, someone from this site was selling a trio of cambells in my area. I picked them up and merged my flocks together. The cambells seemed to have a calming affect on the runners and now they are much easier to herd and move around.

Another breed you might consider based on your criteria is the welsh harlequin. I don't own any of these birds yet, but plan on getting a few this spring.

One last note, both the cambell ducks are excellent foragers as well.
I like that the runners are great foragers, good egg layers, and wingless.

Just to nip any misconception in the bud; runners are hardly "wingless". They aren't fliers, but they definitely do have wings. They can and do get a bit off the ground when they want to, but I've yet to see any of mine fly off any substantial distance. Also be aware there is a wide mix of quality in runners. A lot of runners sold look more like a standard "duck" shape that walks more upright than say, a pekin -- if you want quality runners, you need to be sure to find a source that hasn't bred or cross bred away from the standard.

And yes, you can mix breeds of ducks. Putting heavy drakes in with lightweight ducks will result in heavy ducks roughing up light ducks when they get horny though. And they will. Worth keeping in mind.

Regarding feed: Please don't think that just because a duck can forage, you won't need to give it very much food. Good foraging skills, with access to said forage, will somewhat reduce (but not eliminate) your feed bill in summer, but since there are few bugs and whatnot around in winter, you will need to feed the duck(s) appropriately. Ducks aren't grass eaters like geese are -- they are cruising around looking for critters more so than greens.
I've got Muscovy... we went with them because they are considered.. hardy, good pest control, relatively quiet, good foragers.. decent sized...

I am getting on average still two eggs a day and have been since my first pair of hens reached 4mths.. which is plenty of eggs for us.. and i still have more hens that can potentially lay

My flock free ranges.. however we still put out feed but i notice they drastically reduce eating it when the weather is nice.. we are winter now so it's slim pickings, so feed costs rise during this season, i leave everyone full flight and lock them up at night @ dusk.

I'm not into cuddling a duck but they are pretty personable, my kids can pick them up if they want to.. and my hens peep to me, they all tail wag when your about to, my oldest drake likes a pat on the head now & again to.
If your looking for a egg bird I would defiantly go with campbell or runner ducks. Also yes you can mix different breeds of ducks without any issues.
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We have both Indian Runners and Khaki Campbells, and they are really good egg layers. I bake a lot and we sell some, but we still have eggs leftover that we give away. By the way, their eggs are delicious in baked goods. I have a couple of Runners that will let me pick them up and everything, but the rest are noticeably more skittish than the Campbells. But I still like the runners best, just because of their appearance. Like someone else said, be careful of where you buy them from because the quality differs from place to place.
I started with runners and they were good layers and very comical. The biggest downside was their nervous nature. I did not spend alot of time handling them when they were little but even after about 1 year only 1 would eat out of my hand. They were VERY easy to herd.

I sold off my runners and switched to muscovy. I LOVE them. They are still good foragers. They eat WAY less than my runners did. Mine haven't started laying yet but from what I understand they can be considered seasonal layers, depending on area. I did want them for meat and boy are they delicious!
I have muscovy duck's and wanting to add runner's and possibly swedish and pekin's are all the sizes of duck of for the mixture together or should i seperate??

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