How do nicely make family pay for eggs? I have told them yet they still stop by to pick them up and just walk out the door. I need to be more aggressive I guess. Annoying.

Raisinemright, that update sucks.
Let us know when the action starts!
My chicken run didn't stand up to all the snow we had in Indy this winter. The weight of the snow on top has pulled the top down, and the sides are leaning in. It WAS almost 5 feet tall, but now it's barely 3 feet tall on the inside. I was hoping it would spring back a little by tightening the tension wires, but it's not. It's made from T-posts and chicken wire (buried 6 inches). It was a real nightmare to do that chicken wire on the top of the run, but it worked well at keeping out predators. The only thing that got in was a little featherless baby cardinal (RIP) that fell from his nest.
I'm planning the chicken run re-do. I'm going to use chain link this time, which seems to be a do-it-yourself-friendly project. I'm hoping that the design I'm planning with the chain link will be a little easier to install than the chicken wire was. It will be my project this summer, wish me luck!

Mine was damaged badly too. we are rebuilding completely, and holding our breath in the meantime. I set traps nightly with marshmellows and some tuna in case predators come in.
Quote: Wow, would make a great family area!

Quote: Love how the babies are growing!

These are the Dixie Rainbows and the biggest Buff Orpington meat birds moved to a new brooder. Took a pic before they started exploring the new place. Most of the DR's are going to be creole color, which is one of my favorite colors in chickens.
where do you get your DR's from?
My moms bad about trying to give me a guilt trip over a $2.00 carton of eggs lol. Just tell them cash or no eggs. And I thought my update was very informative!
My moms bad about trying to give me a guilt trip over a $2.00 carton of eggs lol. Just tell them cash or no eggs. And I thought my update was very informative!
LOL I am thoroughly informed that nothing is happening.

I give my mom free eggs and she tries to pay. I don't mind giving them to her. Its the rest of the leach brigade that I have trouble with. Our friends always pay with no issue. Dumb family lol.

Btw hows the cricket man doing?
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LOL I am thoroughly informed that nothing is happening.

I give my mom free eggs and she tries to pay. I don't mind giving them to her. Its the rest of the leach brigade that I have trouble with. Our friends always pay with no issue.  Dumb family lol.

Btw hows the cricket man doing?

Cricket is boss hoss at this farm. He is the coolest. Never more than a few steps from at least one if his girls! I just tell him "play on playa"!

Angry rabbit!! Lol
Aww too cute!

What day do you candle cortnix eggs?
What should they weigh if growth is happening?
If I do candle, its at day 14 (lockdown) only, and am looking for "clear" eggs, no development. To be able to monitor the weight, you would have to weigh them individually before setting them, and compare the weight at a week and lockdown.. When I do a hatch, its around 80 eggs or so, and its too time consuming. I just lock them all down unless there is odors coming from the eggs..if theres a stinky one, follow your nose, smell the eggs! You will find it pretty quick

Went to visit my cousins this weekend and ended up taking home some eggs for the broody silkies to hatch out. Here are the parents of the millefeurs eggs I got.

Also got some pearl guinea eggs. Can't wait to have lil chicks in a few weeks! I've never incubated or let the silkies incubate and very excited to see what happens.
Congrats! I just got some millie eggs last weekend, set a dozen in the incubator. Keets are soo tiny and precious, I love the little guineas
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I've sent 2 emails to mypetchicken with no reply! So as of now I am done and will never purchase anything from mypetchicken again.
A simple reply of (we can't do anything about it) would have been better than nothing.
Thanks for sharing this! I know I won't buy from them now!

We got our garden trays started this afternoon. This year our garden is hopefully (weather permitted) going to be HUGE!! Over 30 varieties of plants. Cant wait for some fresh BLT's. Lots of canning this fall.
We got ours turned, and he is going to disc it when dried out enough! I have seeds started too, but not that many

My poor Gus Gus, he is staying in the house tonight. As I was drying my hair this evening, I heaar DH calling me out to the kitchen. I went out and saw him holding Gus, he was covered in blood. Gus' head hackles shoulders and back were soaked in blood. I checked him over and the only injury he had was his comb had been hit. We think he may have been attacked though. No blood in the barn and Blueberry is my girly boy who just now found out he liked hens. They don't fight. EVER. So .... nothing like giving a 15 ish pound rooster a bath. Last minute. Before leaving in dress clothes. LOL. He seems content in his doggie kennel. I also have LIly in here. My white silkie with the messed up sinus'. My living room is an infirmary.
Can you tell I'm used to rehabbing chickens. It no longer phases me.
I hear ya! My lil turkey poult has it again too. Brought her in the porch and following the same drill.

Quote: X2, abut a week is fine.

My silkie rooster sits down a lot. He struts around for a while, then lays down. He will even sit in front of the food and eat. I am worried there is something wrong with his legs as he is so sedentary. I don't have much experience to compare his behavior, but have a hunch something is hurting and making him sit down a lot. (He really could just be lazy for all I know) I felt his legs/thighs and nothing seemed out of place or swollen. I was able to move his legs around and they moved smoothly, nothing popped or felt out of place. He didn't seem to mind me poking around him either. I checked his feet to see if he had anything poking him and everything looked okay. Does anyone have a suggestion on what else I can check or what to look for?

My thought is bumblefoot possibly, hard to tell with the fluffy feet. look for a small scabby sore on or between the toes.
Here are some new pics of our 5 week old chicks.

This Easter Egger has a more prominent comb but still seems like a girl to me.

I don't know anything about sexing Welsummers but this one has a much larger comb than the Welsummer 1 and is not as friendly.

The Black Australorp is so sweet. I am very happy we brought "her" home.

This OEGB is the cutest ever!! So sweet.

This EE has to be a roo. Even though it has a smaller comb than the other one, it tries to challenge me every time I put my hand in the crate. It's too bad if he is because I just won't have another mean roo.

This Mille Fleur is so funny and such a good flier!
this Welsummer might be the sweetest in the bunch. My fingers are crossed that she is a girl.
I love the EEs colors!

1 am. Full grown Lf Wyandotte rooster crowing in my house. Spectacular. Can't wait to not sleep.
Hope he feels good enough tomorrow to not be in here . Crowing really echos when you live in a relatively small house. So glad DH sleeps like the dead, or else I would feel really bad.
yep been there, done that!

Lets hope that was the last snow this spring, maybe?!?

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