Just going off the top of my head, I have the following chicks available:
Week old or less
2 naked necks (Marans cross) $5
2 Birchen Marans $5
2 Birchen crosses (one will likely be barred) $3

Older chicks
Splash silkie (looks like it may be a cockerel, comb isn't dark enough for me) $5
Splash modern game cockerels $7 (maybe able to sell a pullet or two with a cockerel)
Black modern game cockerel $7
Chocolate orpington cockerel $10
Barthuhner (unsexed) $15
Partridge brahma (pet quality, couple toes never seperated) $5
LF partridge wyandottes $6

Young cockerels and pullets (couple months old)
Black modern game bantam cockerels $10
EE cockerel FREE
Millie fleur d'uccle pullet $7
Porcelain d'uccle pullet $8

I also still have the breeding flock of Birchen Marans I'd consider selling.

Hatching eggs
A dozen silkie eggs to ship Monday $30 shipped
6 legbar eggs to ship Monday $25 shipped. (Still getting some pullet eggs)
I can probably round up some Birchen Marans as well, but have 3 broody hens so can't do many.
I can also offer eggs from my white silkie pen, partridge showgirl pen, and tolbunt polish. Also mix eggs from NN, white rock, and brown leghorns covered by the Marans roos.

I'm going to TRY very very hard to turn off my cabinet incubator and just use the little giant for a while. I'm wanting to stop buying eggs and only set mine for fertility checks.
I'm going to TRY very very hard to turn off my cabinet incubator and just use the little giant for a while. I'm wanting to stop buying eggs and only set mine for fertility checks.
I have been saying this for a while. I ordered the clear door with my incubator but it shipped separately. I had eggs saved up so I went ahead and set them in the cabinet. They have hatched and are a few weeks old now but I kept adding eggs and have not got the clear door on. I really need to let this last two batches of eggs hatch and be done for a while.
For those of you in or around the Carmel area, I have drafted a letter to the city council members in hopes of raising the current limit to six hens. If any of you are interested in doing so, I would appreciate your help in lobbying for this cause. I think the best way to accomplish this is by many of us writing similar letters to various council members. This link contains their contact/ e-mail information.

I live in Carmel with a small flock of 8 chickens who are not overly noisy and we keep up with them so the smell is negligible but a neighbor complained and the city sent someone out. I think the main complaint was about a new shed we put in to use as a coop, but of course that brought up the issue of numbers in my flock. The ironic part is that the inspector said that for my property's size, I am allowed to have five sheds... Go figure... Then of course the complaint included the honey bees which are completely legal. @%$hole neighbor just being anti-social in general. The city is demanding that I get rid of 5 hens in the next 2 weeks. A different neighbor has offered that we can put our portable coop on his property, but that still leaves 2 that I have to get rid of

Any help you guys can offer is much appreciated. I see my chickens as pets more than just egg producers and have raised them from chicks, so picking is nearly impossible.

Thanks so much
So I just found out little giant came out with a new incubator. It is the 9300 model (still air) and 10300 model (forced air). The main difference is it is electronically controlled and had a built in hygrometer! So it displays temp and humidity like the genesis. Best part is the still air model still retails for $45 or so! I think I might have to go get one and try it out lol.
Between Monday and Tuesday I could be adding anywhere from 10-20 chickens. Probably closer to the 20 since I am going to south Whitley and Brad's. I have 84 right now, and to think I used to hate math lol
[COLOR=A52A2A]atrub00 and Leslea ~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]Nice job! I'm guessing that[/COLOR] @lilmizscareall
 [COLOR=8B4513]has too much going on to deal with the Tshirts. That's quite understandable with kids and owning your own business! Originally, Janet and I discussed having designs submitted to a T-shirt volunteer person who would post them without the artists' names so that the official Indiana BYC Tshirt can be voted on. All designs can used for printing on whatever style of shirt that each individual wants.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=8B4513]hoosierchicken ~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]An assault rifle and a cigarette are not deemed family friendly. [/COLOR];)

I have been working on the shirts. But have only had ONE person submit anything to me.
Tonight is the deadline for that. I can extend it and do a few mock ups over the few days. I'm actually out of work, so as long as everyone is ok with waiting then I will extend the deadline!If you have a design idea please pm it to me right away!
I will be doing very basic mock ups for voting. After the voting, I will professionally lay them out in a more aesthetically appealing design.
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Hey, everyone! Sorry for the lack of activity from my neck of the woods! I just wanted to post a few things in regards to my flock today! :D

My babies are another week older today. The hatchery babies are 4 weeks old, and the Legbars from Brad are about 5 weeks old. :) I took most of their pictures up on a shelf, where I thought it would be easier to get nice shots of them. Boy, was I wrong! :lol:

Elda the Silver Gray Dorking:


Elda, otherwise known as Cuddles. :D


Kit-Kit, the other SGD:


Mabey Mabel the Welsummer. Not totally sure whether she's a boy or a girl at this point...


Poppy the Cream Legbar:


Violet the Cream Legbar:


And since they are incredibly uncooperative at the idea of getting their picture taken like the rest, the Marans were in the brooder for their pics.

Louise the Black Copper Marans (with her ballet legwarmers on! :love )


And Georgette the BCM, who as it turns out is actually a Georges. :barnie


Tilly (Miss Gray from Leahs mom) passed quarantine today and went outside with the big girl flock. She started a few fights, but everyone's calmed down and the girls are mainly ignoring Till at this point. :) Hoping she integrates into the flock smoothly!


And some final final news about my late Cochin bantam rooster, Po. Or, well, somewhat about him. Marge, my Silkie (also from Brad ;) ) has gone broody, and so I gave her some eggs from the flock with the hopes that she'll hatch some of Po's offspring. The odds are slim, since it's been right around a month since he was in the flock, but they can continue to lay fertile eggs for about 6 weeks after a rooster is removed, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :fl I am a total novice when it comes to hatching eggs, especially under a broody, so if I have any questions I'll be sure to post.

Thus far, Marge has been sitting pretty dedicatedly. I pulled her out this morning so she would eat and drink, and she had a short (and quite angry-sounding) dust bath, then went right back into the nest and adjusted the eggs to sit just so beneath her. :love

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