
Sorry to hear that. Very frustrating and good that your neighbor was willing to chase it away.

Would you consider using some of the electronet in your range area? I have a lot of land available but right now I'm netting it down to about 3/4 acre. I use the net because I'm concerned about neighborhood stray dogs too while I'm away at work during the day. Gives me a bit of peace of mind.
There are a few people I can ask.

I've bought my last three cars on craigslist. The trick is knowing what to look for, and what you're looking at under the hood. If you're good with cars, or know someone who is, it's definitely the way to go. I'd be happy to dig around CL and tell you which ones I'd go look at.

In any case, the first question is always how much do you want to spend?
I appreciate your input! I will find out more tomorrow re budget. Lauren is actually paying for most of it, but DH and I will help with insurance, license, etc. I am driving to Bloomington tomorrow and leaving her my car to use until she can find one since that process takes a while. My DS happens to be in Indy for a meeting and will stop by and give me a ride back to Eville. Our family is unfortunately not trained in inspecting cars. It's one of those classes that everyone should take in high school along with plumbing, tree trimming, and other useful skills.
[COLOR=A52A2A]About the Indiana Thread~[/COLOR] To participate on the Indiana Thread, we ask that you follow’s rules for family-friendly posts. We have members of all ages. Our thread is known for being very active because our members are supportive, respectful of each other’s opinions, interesting, and fun! The Indiana Thread is a diverse group of fantastic members who range from newbies to experienced chicken owners, those who raise chickens for healthful food, and others who enjoy chickens as pets. And we love photos! Posts are not limited to the topic of chickens. There is no such thing as a “dumb” question! Whatever your questions may be, we likely have members who can help you.

[COLOR=A52A2A]Do you want to be listed on the Indiana BYC Members’ List? [/COLOR] “Being a member of this thread” just means adding your screen name and flock info, which can be helpful because the list is a spreadsheet format that lets you sort the list by breed, county, or other category. It’s an easy way to find other members who have the same breed you have or who live in a nearby county, etc.

Click on the link (Indiana BYC Members’ List) located below my signature to view the Indiana page. Just look at the bottom of the list page for sorting options.

If you’d like to be added, send a PM (personal message) by simply placing your cursor over my screen name: Mother2Hens, and you will see “Send a PM.” bradselig and CRSelvey (Cheryl) actually add the info, so you can PM either one of them directly, too-- whatever is the easiest for you. A personal message ensures that your info is added. Please send your screen name, county, and city. Also include the following information about each member of your flock: List each species (chicken, duck, etc.), breed (Barred Rock, Blue Cochin, etc.), is it a LF (Large Fowl) or Bantam? If you breed, please include the species. If you have any questions about this thread, please PM jchny2000 (Janet) who is the founder (thread starter) of this group.

[COLOR=A52A2A]Indiana County Map for instant member location/Avatars[/COLOR] If anyone would like a map of your county, like the one on my avatar, I will be happy to provide one. If someone wants a combo map and a chicken or an animal for your avatar, I can put that together for you, just PM me. When I read posts, many times I think “Now where are they from?” I look at the city and still have no idea what part of the state they’re from. The map icon with the county in red because you could quickly glance and see where the member who is posting is from. These avatars are not required-- they are just a free service if you’re interested.

[COLOR=A52A2A]Avatar Updates[/COLOR] If members would like me to change the photo(s) on their avatars, just PM me. Someone might have a picture of a chick that has grown into a hen (or a roo!) and would like to update the photo or someone might like something totally different.

[COLOR=A52A2A]BYC Indiana Google Map for detailed information[/COLOR] Cluck Acres (Curtis) set up a Google Map for just us INDIANA BYC’ers. You must first log on to your Google account or make a Google account. (If you have gmail, just use your gmail password). All you have to do is go to this link.... . Here are the directions. You will see the state of Indiana.. Zoom in to where you live and then click on the red button that says Edit. After you click Edit you will see a hand, blue pin point and a zig zag line on the map. Click the pin point and drag it to where you live on the map. After you have placed your pin point then click on it and you can edit your description by adding your county. If you want to change your blue pin point to another icon or upload your own then up on the right of that box click the pin point icon and choose others or upload your own icon. If anyone has problems with this feel free to ask.

This information is submitted periodically by Mother2Hens [rule] [COLOR=8B4513]I appreciate your input! I will find out more tomorrow re budget. Lauren is actually paying for most of it, but DH and I will help with insurance, license, etc. I am driving to Bloomington tomorrow and leaving her my car to use until she can find one since that process takes a while. My DS happens to be in Indy for a meeting and will stop by and give me a ride back to Eville. Our family is unfortunately not trained in inspecting cars. It's one of those classes that everyone should take in high school along with plumbing, tree trimming, and other useful skills.[/COLOR]
My DH is also a car guy, and we've bought several cars from CL (or other sources of used cars). He restores classic cars, both American and European, so he's got a wide (and deep) area of expertise. We live in the Bloomington area, and I'm sure he would be willing to take a look at either the listing, or the actual car if it is in the area. He wouldn't be able to make guarantees, but he would catch most things and be able to tell you what a fair price is (or is not).
Welcome to the new members - everyone here are great !
Sorry for the members that have had chickie losses lately -
we lost another 3 or 4 today. while DW & i were at work, our neighbor had to chase off a stray dog 3 different times from attacking our birds. 1 RSL dead; 1 Chantecler dead; our silver Iowa Roo is pretty mangled, but still breathing (hopefully will recover, but doubtful); & 1 IaB pullet still missing. 3rd dog attack in a year . Wont bore everyone about this - whats done is done. We let our birds free-range during the day & dont feel it's fair to them to keep them confined, so we know the risks & concequences.
So sorry to hear about your losses and the scene you came home to.
Ducks are very easy in the warm weather. Ducklings are overly messy and really really brood better outside.
Freezing weather requires water in heated dog bowls or lots of trips out with fresh water. A duck like a dog will get wet and more wet and shake water all over the place. They will get wet in the run and make their way to the bedding in the coop and shake. Not horrible in the summer but in the winter wet frozen bedding needs changed almost every day above freezing and new bedding down when temps don't break for over a week. Duck eggs are very very good. More rich is the best way i can describe them. Ducks like to make mud holes that almost look like snake holes. They are basically digging up bugs. Those bugs make the yolks really really orange and cut down on feed in the warm weather. Ducks eat a mountain of wood in the winter. Ducks eat 5X more oyster shell than hens. Duck egg shells are thicker but will still break if a toddler tosses them on the floor.
Sally (or anyone else with duck experience!)-- what is your experience with how many years ducks are productive layers? Ours are 1 year old now and we're getting 8 - 10 eggs/day from 10 hens. At what point will they start to taper off & we need to raise some new girls to take over? I want to be prepared as we have a number of duck egg customers who depend on us to have eggs for them as they have chicken egg allergies.
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Sorry to hear that. Very frustrating and good that your neighbor was willing to chase it away.

Would you consider using some of the electronet in your range area? I have a lot of land available but right now I'm netting it down to about 3/4 acre. I use the net because I'm concerned about neighborhood stray dogs too while I'm away at work during the day. Gives me a bit of peace of mind.

Thanks Leahs - might have to invest in something like that , i guess, since some other people cant be responsable for their pets

Another vote here for electronet. pretty much keeps all ground based predators out.
Welcome to the new members - everyone here are great !
Sorry for the members that have had chickie losses lately -
we lost another 3 or 4 today. while DW & i were at work, our neighbor had to chase off a stray dog 3 different times from attacking our birds. 1 RSL dead; 1 Chantecler dead; our silver Iowa Roo is pretty mangled, but still breathing (hopefully will recover, but doubtful); & 1 IaB pullet still missing. 3rd dog attack in a year . Wont bore everyone about this - whats done is done. We let our birds free-range during the day & dont feel it's fair to them to keep them confined, so we know the risks & concequences.

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