I hope you guys don't mind if I brag alittle, But my Daughter Just won Champion Waterfowl, at the show in spencer. She is thrilled She only took 5 ,birds, 3 call ducks and 2 chickens, but did real well

Her 3 calls got
1st, BV, BB, Champion Bantam Duck , then Champion waterfowl
2nd, RV

Her Bantam Ameraucana got. BV, BB, Then Res. Champion AOCCL
her Bantam white rock got 2nd.

Great accomplishment!!!! Congrats young lady! LAM I bet you are a proud Momma!
Morn peeps
So whats on everyone agenda for today?

Well, cut my sons hair, head for a short drive to buy an "auracana" or two this morning and then an hour drive to buy my first pair or Cream Legbars. I hope it is a true auracana, who knows anymore, but the legbars are said to be 100% pure blood from Greenfire farms so I am excited to get this breed. Only 4 months old so no eggs for a while but hopefully start breeding them in the spring. Ive only heard great things about them.

How long do u usually quarenteen your chickens when you bring home new ones? I know the auracanas were are the local fair so they had to have their shots and such and the legbars come from a breeder with good quality control but I assume I should still quarenteen.

Just wondering your thoughts.

At least 30 days, especially if they are chicks.
Wow! Found this duck egg this morning. I hope the girl who laid it is doing OK!

size comparison: small, medium, large, XL & jumbo chicken eggs, typical duck egg, giant duck egg!

XL chicken egg & giant duck egg

My egg scale says XL eggs are between 2 1/4 & 2 1/2 oz. My duck eggs are average 3 oz. This is 4 1/2 oz.!!
poor duck! thats a goose size egg! I had a double yolker goose egg that was 6.75 oz.. My embden hen was ok but geez thats my smallest girl too!
Ok kiddies! German lesson today is "dumkompf und schweinhund"

Dumkompf = dumbhead

und = and

schweinhund = pigdog

My grandma was born and raised in Germany
Hehe I knew it meant dumb something

Here is another german phrase " Da ist ein loch im eimer"

Da and ist I am still learning, but I think they mean "there" and "is"

Ein = a

Loch = hole

Im= in

Eimer = bucket

Keep em coming, love it!
Just sold another dove!
Looks like I am gonna make New Year's res come true

I hope you guys don't mind if I brag alittle, But my Daughter Just won Champion Waterfowl, at the show in spencer. She is thrilled She only took 5 ,birds, 3 call ducks and 2 chickens, but did real well

Her 3 calls got
1st, BV, BB, Champion Bantam Duck , then Champion waterfowl
2nd, RV

Her Bantam Ameraucana got. BV, BB, Then Res. Champion AOCCL
her Bantam white rock got 2nd.
tell her thats flat awesome congrats!!
Welll we planned on going camping but decided to stay home.
Have to finish the hog pen, and have several projects otherwise in the works too. Going to have a get together with friends and a fire tho!
Ran around doing errands all day today. Days are getting shorter so fast, UGH. Really do not want to think about winter yet!
And while I'm here, some pictures of the girls.
Mainly, I was taking pictures of the Partridge Rocks, Fancy and She Who Sleeps Standing Up, because they appear to have been involved in an explosion.

Fancy's not too bad off, although I wouldn't say she looks very fancy at the moment.

She Who, on the other hand...

I'm just glad they're doing this now and not in December!

Meanwhile, Margaret is broody again and away in the broody-buster.
(Don't mind the junk in the background, that's where I toss things I think I might use and then forget about them.

Iddy Biddy, my strange Speckled Sussex. The picture doesn't show it, but she's grown somewhat 'twisted'. Her tail sticks off to one side, her wings don't sit at the same level, her outer toes are curled, and her face has a slight twist to it.

My last golden Sebright, Rosie.
Such a pretty girl!

I thought I took more than that, but oh well.
Pretty, even the explosion survivors lol

Goat people:
My nubians are getting small places in their coats or hair that are forming tiny spiral patterns. Is this normal?

Yep all normal
just cowlicks

Welll we planned on going camping but decided to stay home.
Have to finish the hog pen, and have several projects otherwise in the works too. Going to have a get together with friends and a fire tho!
Ran around doing errands all day today. Days are getting shorter so fast, UGH. Really do not want to think about winter yet!
I miss camping, course I always take my horse... We have so much to do to get ready for winter, but as for the norm, money and time is fast running out... Hope you have a good time in front of the fire. Thanks for the link, it looks like I have 2 unknown ( due to not being able to see through the color ) and 4 good ones, threw 2 away.

G'nite all
I have only taken two weeks of Spanish so far. I basically know how to count to 40 and say assorted words

Presente= present
Buenas Dias= good morning
Mi mejor Amiga el __________= my best friend is________.

Plus basic stuff like señor and señorita.

There is other stuff I am suppose to remember.

I have never wanted to learn Spanish and still don't. I wanted to take 2 years if German and a year of viatmenese, but they got rid of a program and the only option is spanish, so I am pretty much stuck with it. But it is extremely easy to learn
I have only taken two weeks of Spanish so far. I basically know how to count to 40 and say assorted words

Presente= present
Buenas Dias= good morning
Mi mejor Amiga el __________= my best friend is________.

Plus basic stuff like señor and señorita.

There is other stuff I am suppose to remember.

I have never wanted to learn Spanish and still don't. I wanted to take 2 years if German and a year of viatmenese, but they got rid of a program and the only option is spanish, so I am pretty much stuck with it. But it is extremely easy to learn

I picked up a lot of spanish when I was in commercial construction. I was the "office lady" aka payroll, accountant, etc.Later moved to "controller". DH also worked there as transportation superintendent so we knew a lot of the guys personally, many good friends! My first year there, we had a lot of spanish to english and english to spanish dictionaries so we were able to communicate. One of our supervisors was bilingual, a huge help for me learning the basics of the language and how the verbage worked.
4 years now since I left, lol forget it, I don't remember most of it now!
@pipdzipdnreadytogo I love your partridge rocks! I had 4 the first year we had chickens, attractive birds and very sweet. We are really seeing a hard molt on a lot of the adults.. kinda scary! I keep hearing this winter is to be as bad as last year. With the molting I am seeing even on my geese I am really wondering what we are getting this winter!

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