On the earthworms...
I've noticed, too, that sometimes my birds will eat them freely and sometimes not. I had read somewhere that they can carry various things (without going into detail) that would not be great for chickens and that the birds are able to tell the difference and will avoid worms that may not be good for them to eat.

Maybe that's why there is such a variety of response to the worms.... one day mine will go after them and then the nest they will take a look at some (usually in different areas) and not touch them at all after they get a good look.
Wow you guys, these were so cool!

I did reptiles, snakes so bugs are "food" and have grown used to messing with them. I just can't do the dubia roaches tho ewww! :sick
Some just never take to worms. Most of my guys are used to them in their diet. I notice the younger birds are a lot more interested than the older ones. I have a low area of the yard grass won't grow, and have a sheet of old carpet lying over it. I turn this every day, and its a worm heaven! I turn it over right before I let my flocks out. The muscovy fly over there to beat the chickens to it LOL. I also give them a few cups of mealworms, I keep a few totes going year around. Summer its more weekly, winter its a daily thing. Anyone interested in mealies, I recommend a mask/gloves working with them. They can irritate and cause allergies to flare quickly.

I don't know why, I just can't touch certain bugs. :oops: And yet, in general biology I plunged my hands wrist-deep in lake sludge to search for molluscs, nymphs, and other small organisms. I don't know, there's no logic behind it. :lol:

The odd thing with the worms is that I have hens that used to gobble them up and now won't look at them twice! It's just strange. :confused: I do turn over all the logs and planks of wood in the chicken yard every once in a while, and they'll have a heck of a time scratching and pecking, they just don't go for the worms much anymore.

Dad told me this week, he wants me to have use of the pole barn now. its 63x40 and a lean to on one side.

:drool So, so jealous!! Can't wait to see what you do with that!

On the earthworms...
I've noticed, too, that sometimes my birds will eat them freely and sometimes not.  I had read somewhere that they can carry various things (without going into detail) that would not be great for chickens and that the birds are able to tell the difference and will avoid worms that may not be good for them to eat.

Maybe that's why there is such a variety of response to the worms....  one day mine will go after them and then the nest they will take a look at some (usually in different areas) and not touch them at all after they get a good look.

Interesting! Mom and I theorized something similar when we first noticed they weren't going for the worms as much, but I figured that was probably putting too much thought into it. Mine will only go for the occasional worm anymore. For the most part, they won't eat them.
I don't know why, I just can't touch certain bugs. :oops: And yet, in general biology I plunged my hands wrist-deep in lake sludge to search for molluscs, nymphs, and other small organisms. I don't know, there's no logic behind it. :lol:

The odd thing with the worms is that I have hens that used to gobble them up and now won't look at them twice! It's just strange. :confused: I do turn over all the logs and planks of wood in the chicken yard every once in a while, and they'll have a heck of a time scratching and pecking, they just don't go for the worms much anymore.
:drool So, so jealous!! Can't wait to see what you do with that!
Interesting! Mom and I theorized something similar when we first noticed they weren't going for the worms as much, but I figured that was probably putting too much thought into it. Mine will only go for the occasional worm anymore. For the most part, they won't eat them.

I sont like handling bugs either. I am fascinated by them and can pick them up certain ways but tell me to put a cricket in a closed fist there is no way. Its one of those irrational fears I have lol
I'm guessing some of you would not have done well in my summer science camp.

Each year I offer a couple different camps, but my "Bugs" program is always a hit. Several kids started with me about 5 years ago & return each year, so I must constantly change the program. This year our guests were Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! We had races, a cockroach pull, a few behavioral studies, and even a hissing contest. (I have a very patient hubby, but there's no way he'd allow roaches in the house. They currently reside on our porch awaiting frost. A few went home with kids as "pets" but I did not find a home for the remaining few.)
I'm guessing some of you would not have done well in my summer science camp. Each year I offer a couple different camps, but my "Bugs" program is always a hit. Several kids started with me about 5 years ago & return each year, so I must constantly change the program. This year our guests were Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! We had races, a cockroach pull, a few behavioral studies, and even a hissing contest. (I have a very patient hubby, but there's no way he'd allow roaches in the house. They currently reside on our porch awaiting frost. A few went home with kids as "pets" but I did not find a home for the remaining few.)
The only thing that really comes to min that I hve a problem with is slugs. I can't stand those nasty things, but I love crickets, grasshoppers, worms, ladybugs etc. I don't know how many times I tried to keep different bugs as pets, my mom didn't much approve so I just stopped telling her lol. I always thought it was cool when I had my water dragon and forget I had some other bugs that I forgot to give him and when I would finally remebered they looked completely different.
Okay, it's not all bugs for me, but roaches are a big, big, big NO! :oops:

I can do butterflies (but not caterpillars or moths). Things like mosquitoes and house flies don't bother me (but they still annoy the heck out of me!). I love fireflies! And I rather like snails and slugs, of course, but they aren't really bugs. I had a pet snail for a while (named Sheldon :oops: ) that I actually had found in the woods right here at home. Also, that biology class I mentioned, I had found a teeny tiny snail in the lake and kept it for a short while. It rode on my thumb while I looked for other things in the gunk. Then it came time for everything to be preserved for slides and things, and I couldn't put the little guy in, so my bio teacher told me to just toss him back into the lake. Lucky snail.

Like I said, I have no rational reason for why certain bugs freak me out and others don't. I just have... issues. :lol:
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Okay. Speaking of bugs....

The first time I purchased dried mealworms for my chickens it was just nasty looking at those things. I always put them into a large canning jar and seal it w/my vac sealer so they stay fresh longer. So here is this 1/2 gallon jar full of worms.

I just couldn't put them in my hand to throw out on the ground for the chickens. I had to shake it from the jar.

My grandson came over one day and saw them. He says, "Can I eat some?" (This is the honest truth.) I said, sure. And he did.

So the story is that some cultures eat them as a protein source. He was in class in Seattle and they had a unit about things that different cultures eat, then the teacher bbq'd some and anyone that wanted to try could. He volunteered and liked them.

I am finally able to put them in my hand and throw them around. But it took awhile...

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Went out this afternoon and one of my chicks is gone :( We had a hawk visit later so I assume that's where it probably went. Thank goodness we were out in the yard this time, it didn't get anything!

Oh and I have a sick bird I'm not sure what to do with :(
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