I'm afraid I've been absent for a while. Not much has been going on lately, although I did get two Welsummer chicks to hatch on the 21st. One boy and one girl, very cute....and loud, they get our two cats into a hungry mood. I've been avoiding the local farmstores because they all have tub loads of chicks and I have horrible self control :p Luckily my parents are very firm on the No More Chicks Rule.

Seeing as it is still under 50°f here I've been waiting for sun shine and warmth to start renovating the soon to be chicken coop. Hopefully my poor hens will last. I have three very eager roosters who have pulled one too many feathers for my comfort. So, I've got to separate them for a bit, so feathers can regrow.

To all the new people: Welcome! Glad to see new people.
I haven't been this excited for some time!! Lol! Not in a weird way mind you...but I just for the very first time witnessed my IB pair mating! I didn't think she even liked him! Lol!

They free range and she's been raising 2 young ones. So funny... He was displaying and next thing I knew he was mating her...then the 2 young white (both boys) stood there watching and then started displaying! What a great day! wink.png

Of course No beeping camera!!!

Picture spam time! Got to spend a few moments out in the coop with the older chicks this morning :D Chicks are either 8 or 7 weeks old (both ages present, and wow, what a difference one week makes :D )

All were sexed as pullets, but I'm having doubts about the SLW because it looks like she might be getting white wing patches.

The mostly white one was supposed to be an EE pullet, but I'm sure he's a roo with those wing patches and that hot pink comb. My GL Wyandotte has a single comb :( (crossing my fingers that it's a girl).

Tried to get a pic of the broody Black Swedish, but it's difficult to acquire. This is the second time she's gone broody since I got her in August '14. Not even one hatched last time, but I've got higher hopes because it's no longer December.

Here's another EE that was supposed to be a girl (they were all supposed to be pullets). Not sure about ti any more. It's the great chameleon chicken because it's always changing colors. At first, it's breast was feathering in black with cream lacing, and it was barred across the wings. Now it's mostly white on the breast and the patterns have all faded to randomness. No clue what the chicks going to look like as an adult because it changes every week. Comb isn't any picker than the other girls, and it has very round hackles and a very stiff tail.

Also not sure about the Brahmas. Both have round hackles, were supposed to be pullets, very little color to their combs, but one has stiff tail feathers and the other doesn't.

And here's my Wellies! They're both turning into gorgeous, mild-mannered chickens :D Their the quietest birds in the whole flock right now. Shy, but not particularly afraid of anything either. My boy's started clucking when he finds teats for the girls, and he's getting gypsy and beetle sheens on his tail :D He's so handsome. Oh, and he's just started to get flaming orange saddle feathers!

Greetings, everyone!

Sorry if I am hijacking any conversations, but I figured this would be a good place to post about my desire to acquire a good broody hen.

I live about 25 minutes east of Indianapolis and am looking for a couple proven broody hens. Age, breed and laying ability aren't important. I just want a couple devoted mommas. They don't have to be broody just now. Small preference for non-evil broodies. :) Please feel free to private message with anything you would be willing to offer. Include price and location in your response. Really hoping someone can help me! I've already tried craigslist and facebook.
I'm in need of just a few White Leghorns that are laying, or getting ready to lay. I don't need chicks, as I have 24 that are 10 days old. I also have 15 Isa Browns that are 10 months old and have been laying all winter, but I just need some white eggs.

Picture spam time! Got to spend a few moments out in the coop with the older chicks this morning :D Chicks are either 8 or 7 weeks old (both ages present, and wow, what a difference one week makes :D )

All were sexed as pullets, but I'm having doubts about the SLW because it looks like she might be getting white wing patches.

The mostly white one was supposed to be an EE pullet, but I'm sure he's a roo with those wing patches and that hot pink comb. My GL Wyandotte has a single comb :( (crossing my fingers that it's a girl).

Tried to get a pic of the broody Black Swedish, but it's difficult to acquire. This is the second time she's gone broody since I got her in August '14. Not even one hatched last time, but I've got higher hopes because it's no longer December.

Here's another EE that was supposed to be a girl (they were all supposed to be pullets). Not sure about ti any more. It's the great chameleon chicken because it's always changing colors. At first, it's breast was feathering in black with cream lacing, and it was barred across the wings. Now it's mostly white on the breast and the patterns have all faded to randomness. No clue what the chicks going to look like as an adult because it changes every week. Comb isn't any picker than the other girls, and it has very round hackles and a very stiff tail.

Also not sure about the Brahmas. Both have round hackles, were supposed to be pullets, very little color to their combs, but one has stiff tail feathers and the other doesn't.

And here's my Wellies! They're both turning into gorgeous, mild-mannered chickens :D Their the quietest birds in the whole flock right now. Shy, but not particularly afraid of anything either. My boy's started clucking when he finds teats for the girls, and he's getting gypsy and beetle sheens on his tail :D He's so handsome. Oh, and he's just started to get flaming orange saddle feathers!

love all the pics. I could look at chick pics all day.
Good evening fellow chicken lovers!!!! Today was a wonderful day....
Got my silkie eggs in the mail from @kabhyper1 , thanks for the extras and the surprise egg. Can't wait to see the awesome colors I might get.
The next few weeks is going to be rough, all the waiting..
But alas I have some of my own babies hatching this weekend and next for the Easter hatch along, so I have plenty to keep me busy.

Now I need y'alls help. I just got an assortment of baby chicks last weekend and I need help figuring out what this one is. I'm thinking polish, because it has slate colored legs and a small top knot and a funny beak, but the coloring is throwing me off. What do you guys think?

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