You could always just use a "triple antibiotic ointment" if you have some of that around the house too.

This photo shows the vet wrap cut into 3 thinner strips:

Here's a photo of when I first vet wrapped my kiddo w/the bf...

Checking out her new shoes

She was able to use her feet to scratch like normal...the wrap just kept them cleaner.

AL - Grit and oyster shell are different items.

Chick Grit is fine to give them free-choice in a little dish separate from their feed. They'll eat what they need.

Oyster Shell is to add calcium to the diet. If chicks take in too much calcium it can cause kidney damage. It is more appropriate as they come to egg laying age and beyond. You can also put that out when they are older as a free-feed in a dish and they'll eat it if the need it.
ok i give my big chickens oyster shells as grit just didnt know if i could use it on my babys thanks for the info
Along the lines of the oyster shell, is there a reason one of my roos is eating it like it was a treat? He started eating more and more of it about a week a go. I had been leaving about 2 cups of the shell crumbles in a small container in the coop. It would last for a month or so, but last week I was filling it up every two - 3 days and it was the roo running to get it each time I refilled the container.
I could only guess...he may just have a need...but most of what I've read says the roos really don't need the extra. I don't think I'd worry about it as I'm thinking he's wanting it for a reason but.......

You might try asking that on over on the natural chicken keeping thread - there are several people there that have YEARS of experience that may have a good answer.
Just realize that the oyster shell doesn't act as grit. Essentially, dissolves differently and doesn't hold up like stones/grit do.

If your older girls don't get out to free-range in the dirt where they have access to rocks and pebbles, etc., it would be good to let them have some regular grit to help their gizzards process their food.
Along the lines of the oyster shell, is there a reason one of my roos is eating it like it was a treat? He started eating more and more of it about a week a go. I had been leaving about 2 cups of the shell crumbles in a small container in the coop. It would last for a month or so, but last week I was filling it up every two - 3 days and it was the roo running to get it each time I refilled the container.
I could only guess...he may just have a need...but most of what I've read says the roos really don't need the extra. I don't think I'd worry about it as I'm thinking he's wanting it for a reason but.......

You might try asking that on over on the natural chicken keeping thread - there are several people there that have YEARS of experience that may have a good answer.

Thanks, I will post there as well, even if that thread is nearly impossible to keep current on :)
Leahs Mom: I have her soaking now. I used my hand to help clean the dirt off. Look like her one toe had a crack now so good thing im cleaning them off again. Will add ointment and vet wrap when done. I will also get a few pic of her for you all while I have her out. She is very hard to catch. Even when she is in coop it can be difficult.
Ok I have a sappy story for everyone. I have one 10 day old and two 6 week old girls. I was worried the big ones were picking on the baby. Well today I turned off the heat lamp for a little bit bc it was too hot. When I came back the meanest of the three was laying on her belly wings spread and looking fat. I thought for sure she had eaten the baby. Turns out I left the heat lamp off for too long and baby was cold so the mean one used her mommy skills to cover baby to keep it warm. The one I thought was mean is actually just protecting her little sister. She has established herself as head of coop! Pretty cool stuff.

That is so sweet! Chickens are the coolest animals around. I love stories like that.
Hello fellow hoosiers.
I am so excited I just found out that it is okay to have chickens in porter county! Wating to call animal control to see if there are any coop specs I will have to follow. So if all goes well I, will have chickens this year. yay.
and our thread, we are excited to have you join!

Congrats on finding out you can have chickens!!

My parents' land is where my brothers and I will keep our chickens and they have seen coyotes in the middle of the day!!! I'll have to do lots of research to ensure a safe home for them!

i just ordered a thermometer/hygrometer from incubator warehouse. It is a remote system. Has anyone used this particular one? I've not had much luck with accurate hygrometers.

I have it, seems pretty accurate but it has the wired probe. I plan to get 2 more, my other incubators don't have the Hygrometer and It really helps. I watched the news daily and it was right on when I took it outdoors the first few days to check it.
On the coyotes, they think chickens are tasty! And they are being less afraid of humans. DNR has a lot of good advice, as well as the county cooperative extension svs, A good LGD is the best answer but not always possible to get. Best advice I can give is a good solid coop and covered run (coyote will dig, and scale a fence, but electric fence works GREAT) And if you free range watch close.
I am so glad you shared it, my Dad is still laughing over it

I read the posts where people suspected the Facebook thing was an April Fool's joke (there were too many to read, though), but I wouldn't have expected the BYC people to post a "joke" that would upset so many of their members-- some for being against it and some for being for it and finding out it is fake. If it was a joke, considering the elaborate business plan they posted, it may have also been a method of seeking reactions from their members about possibly merging with another company in the future. I'm all for jokes, but creating distrust towards the BYC owners results in a negative image.
It kinda surprised me to but wow, they sure pulled it off!

Quote: Its GREAT! Thats the one I have!

Ya, fooled me too, I was one of the first posters
FINALLY getting a good hatch! I believe I had the humidity too high prior and drowning the chicks? I was maintaining it around 65% prior and now maintaining 55%. So far 16 of the 21 Orpington eggs has hatched! The pen was supposedly composed of lavender Roos and hens with one lemon cuckoo roo and hen in the pen. Based off of the hatch, I believe the lemon roo was a busy boy! 3 lavender type, 11 buff colored, and 2 dark brown! I'm excited about the brownish ones and curious to see what color they turn out. One egg is currently pipped and done see anything on the other 4. Anyways, here they are. If Vickichicki approves, the lavender colored will be going to her.





Thanks so much for the pictures... How beautiful are they!
I would take them all if I had the room.

I am looking forward to seeing all these guys. Yay!!!

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