Have three broody hens. One's a veteran Welsummer with several good clutches to her credit (even though she's a year old). Other two are splash Marans/Ameraucana mixes, and "The Twins" just do everything together. I'm not sure what the Wellie's sitting on, but the other two are sitting mostly on olive eggers and Marans mixes, with a few of the Breda's eggs as well. Daddy's most likely Wun Wun (dark Brahma) or the unofficially named Pretty Boy (lovely likely EE/Sumatra mix who managed to get plumage in all three primary colors).

Good morning..was wondering, have you found Peanut yet? I got a chuckle when u wondered if she opeNed the gate to take a walk about...hem I realized yikes, she's MISSING...I find myself checking in often to see if you an had announced finding her.
How exciting to have broodys I am truly hoping for one but I'm not feeling too positive about it. I'm not even sure the bantam roosters I have will ever be accepted by my hens in order to even have any eggs to sit on. Good luck with yours.
I so enjoy reading your posts. I can't wait to see pictures of everyone's birds.
Well... make that four broodies. Went in to get eggs and found Donah the buff Orp (son named her) sitting like a half-bald pancake on the Wellie's nest. Wellie is stealing as many back as she can. Donah's another first-time brood. She's been thinking about it and occasionally acting like she was going to try her fluffy butt at motherhood since spring started, but she's yet to do it more than a few days. We'll see what comes of it.
Well... make that four broodies. Went in to get eggs and found Donah the buff Orp (son named her) sitting like a half-bald pancake on the Wellie's nest. Wellie is stealing as many back as she can. Donah's another first-time brood. She's been thinking about it and occasionally acting like she was going to try her fluffy butt at motherhood since spring started, but she's yet to do it more than a few days. We'll see what comes of it. 

So exciting@Indyshent
I know own so excited folks prefer no broody hens but I think it just sounds so exciting!
I'd don't understand how they "steal" one another's eggs.. how does that work? Does I ever hen just sit on someone's eggs or does she roll them under her own bkttom? Sorry for such a goofy question but I keep seeing that happens and I keep wondering how
@jchny2000 I'll post broody pictures tonight (can't on phone! Great that there is an upside with all the raccoon news! I've got a few 'missing' Brodie's (they come back once every few days for food then leave again) any advice? Should be hatching around today...
So exciting@Indyshent
I know own so excited folks prefer no broody hens but I think it just sounds so exciting!
I'd don't understand how they "steal" one another's eggs.. how does that work? Does I ever hen just sit on someone's eggs or does she roll them under her own bkttom? Sorry for such a goofy question but I keep seeing that happens and I keep wondering how
wow, please forgive all those typos...I'm in the middle of making supper and tried to do a quick post but my phone decided to correct my spelling....grrr! Anyways..I'm wondering how they steal eggs? Does one hen just sit on another's eggs or does she actually roll eggs from one nest to another?
I know some folks prefer not to have broody hens but I think I sounds exciting
wow, please forgive all those typos...I'm in the middle of making supper and tried to do a quick post but my phone decided to correct my spelling....grrr! Anyways..I'm wondering how they steal eggs? Does one hen just sit on another's eggs or does she actually roll eggs from one nest to another?
I know some folks prefer not to have broody hens but I think I sounds exciting
'Stealing eggs' as I understand it is laying them outside of the egg boxes that they're supposed to where you can't find them then sitting on/ hatching them I've had two hens do this its cute but now I have to find them and the babies since they should be hatching soon... I let one hatch inside the coup as well
wow, please forgive all those typos...I'm in the middle of making supper and tried to do a quick post but my phone decided to correct my spelling....grrr! Anyways..I'm wondering how they steal eggs? Does one hen just sit on another's eggs or does she actually roll eggs from one nest to another?
I know some folks prefer not to have broody hens but I think I sounds exciting
All of the above, plus a few other ingenious ways.

Broodies will get up to get water, food, stretch their legs and poop. While the potential mom-to-be performs these tasks, other ladies-in-waiting can take her place and steal her babies-to-be. Also, if particularly close, girls can actually roll eggs out from under each other, or do so while the other is away from the nest. Another way is that ladies will lay eggs in a nest box which an egg-less broody has claimed. or she can hide eggs in weird places away from prying eyes.
All of the above, plus a few other ingenious ways. 

Broodies will get up to get water, food, stretch their legs and poop. While the potential mom-to-be performs these tasks, other ladies-in-waiting can take her place and steal her babies-to-be. Also, if particularly close, girls can actually roll eggs out from under each other, or do so while the other is away from the nest. Another way is that ladies will lay eggs in a nest box which an egg-less broody has claimed. or she can hide eggs in weird places away from prying eyes.

@slutter and @Indyshent
Thanks for the info.
The mister sees broody hens as something non productive to feed...I see them as doing their natural "job" and would save us money because he wants to buy chick's each spring, that I have to keep in a brooder with heat lamp and food and constant care...which I truly do enjoy but I think it would be nice to see mamma hen raise some chicks
Just some more chicken bonding.

Logan with Barbie the BR.


Levi with Buffy the BO.


Maggie with Baby the BO.


And the DW Holly with Wilma the Blue Cochin.

@jchny2000 I'll post broody pictures tonight (can't on phone! Great that there is an upside with all the raccoon news! I've got a few 'missing' Brodie's (they come back once every few days for food then leave again) any advice? Should be hatching around today...
Watch carefully where she goes. You will likely see her in a few days followed by chicks if the time is close! Bunny, an EE fully raised 4 chicks here. Those 4 were very wild birds too! Turn up the treats with them to human imprint.

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