Hope everything is okay over are your parents doing?

Thanks for asking! Doing ok. Both Mom and Dad are behaving and staying indoors with the severe weather. This is a 1 year milestone for Moms heart valve, tons of followup appts.. None of us are enjoying the weather much aside from DH. I am doing the "have-to's" daily, and a few minutes socializing with my critters... then back indoors. Had a bad fall myself a few weeks ago and broke a rib. Its healing well, but tearing out the old floors, and other remodeling has reminded me I am not 30/40/50 years old anymore, lol. Very grateful for my 3 nephews willing to help out.
Hope you and your family are well also!

And wishing everyone a Merry Christmas if I can't be here to post before then.
Quote:Had a bad fall myself a few weeks ago and broke a rib. Its healing well,
Ouch!!!!! Hope you are better soon!

My only two good blue egg layers were EEs too. I have tried 5 Ameraucanas and 4 cream Legbars, and only gotten green eggs from all of them. I've had better luck (50%) getting blue eggs from the breed that can lay any color.

Depending on the lighting, they look blue, but they're about a happy medium between powder blue and a pastel, 1970s aqua haha. I'm hoping that the roosters (EE) will get all bowchickawowow with my brown egg laters and make me some Olive Eggers. I'd rather hatch my own than pay 11 a chick from Meyer hatcheries haha


Got a new layer today!.... and no it's not a quail!

(Above. These are all the eggs I got today.)

Potential new laying pullets:

Oopsie (the small & dainty) who's 5 mo old from @Junibutt

Muppet (who's the largest) Now 7 months old (grand-daughter of Cogburn, who's owned by @kittydoc

Marshmallow (in DS's lap)also 7 mo old & related to Kittydoc's flock

All 3 girls have reddened combs, so it could be any of them.

At least I'm pretty sure it wasn't the CCL.
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My brother stopped over today and the whole right side of his face is hugely swollen and a black eye. He was going up on the roof to check something on the heater at his business and slipped off just as he stepped on the roof. Fell on his face and shoulder on cement.

Has a broken cheek bone but xrays didn't show anything else broken.

He's blessed...could have been dead or broken neck. He had just moved a cement block away from the place he fell before he went up. He said if he had hit it based on how he fell, he would have broken his neck.


My brother stopped over today and the whole right side of his face is hugely swollen and a black eye. He was going up on the roof to check something on the heater at his business and slipped off just as he stepped on the roof. Fell on his face and shoulder on cement.

Has a broken cheek bone but xrays didn't show anything else broken.

He's blessed...could have been dead or broken neck. He had just moved a cement block away from the place he fell before he went up. He said if he had hit it based on how he fell, he would have broken his neck.

Oh my. Thank goodness he survived. I guess you'll be having a very grateful Christmas.
Quail are now 4 weeks. They're still growing, but not as many significant changes this week. Just a little bigger & more head feathers. I believe they are fully feathered now.

The runt is on right. He/she is getting harder to spot among its siblings.

My brother stopped over today and the whole right side of his face is hugely swollen and a black eye. He was going up on the roof to check something on the heater at his business and slipped off just as he stepped on the roof. Fell on his face and shoulder on cement.

Has a broken cheek bone but xrays didn't show anything else broken.

He's blessed...could have been dead or broken neck. He had just moved a cement block away from the place he fell before he went up. He said if he had hit it based on how he fell, he would have broken his neck.


Oh my! How lucky for him it wasn't worse!
Quail are now 4 weeks. They're still growing, but not as many significant changes this week. Just a little bigger & more head feathers. I believe they are fully feathered now.

The runt is on right. He/she is getting harder to spot among its siblings.
Great pic of male & female comparison on the wild type, first pic. I can't wait to hear if your "runt" turns out to be a female.. my guess. Texas A&M are very hard to sex. If they aren't showing any black spots they may be another breed.
Great pic of male & female comparison on the wild type, first pic. I can't wait to hear if your "runt" turns out to be a female.. my guess. Texas A&M are very hard to sex. If they aren't showing any black spots they may be another breed.

We kept 3 white quail. Two have a couple tiny dark feathers on their heads, the 3rd (runt) is all white. I asked for an easy large breed quail that lays eggs. She recommended Corturnix, but I'm guessing they're mixed with the A&M. It's off season, so it would make sense to shut down breeding & reduce the number of beaks to feed for winter. She only charged for eating eggs since she doubted the fertility. DH said that she had fancy button quail & California quail (ones with the hats), but simple is better for us. Can't wait to get that 1st egg!

I'm enjoying them more than I thought I would, & the kids are thrilled. DH is the only one not pleased- but that's only because they're in the house. We'll either have to cut the number down to 3 quail, or move them to the garage. Hopefully, we'll learn the sexes soon & be able to make that decision.

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