I certainly hope someone's reported it, but I don't think anyone has. From the sounds of it, this was a person the daughter knew from school, so she might be afraid to report it (and she'd get blamed for reporting it, even if she didn't).
Too many people are afraid to take a stand against evil people. Those who know what is going on and do nothing are responsible for continuing evil.
Hello to everyone. North central Indiana. I’m a newbie at raising chickens and recently retired. I read quite a bit of material before jumping into this new venture of getting healthier eggs to eat. Not sure what I’ve got myself into. LOL!
I’m on day three from TSC pick up with 8ISA Browns. 1 died the first night and already am dealing with pasty vents. Got some good advise yesterday so we’ll see how things progress. I’m guessing chicks are 6 days old today.
:frowWelcome to our thread!

Updated pics of my muscovy ducklings. They moved to a new brooder, I will add cardboard around the pool once they get a bit older.
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I have the identical brooder! My kiddie pool is blue tho. Works perfect for ducks and geese.

I didn't either till I herd my ducks flapping wings and their hissing was a bit louder then normal. So I went outside to find them chasing a squirrel with an egg in it's mouth. Wish I had my camera! How would I go about catching a squirrel?!?!?! I've caught raccoons and foxes but never a tiny squirrel..
WOW thats a first! Peanuts or peanut butter, corncobs work pretty good as bait. I usually strap a corncob to the back of the trap, inside.
What are you hatching ?
EE/OE all my girls are getting older, a couple of the hens are 6 now. A hawk took my Ameruacana rooster a few weeks back, so I am looking to replace him from this hatch, and add more girls. I also set leghorn eggs, the trio is 5 now. Foghorn is the best rooster never a mean bone in his body.
Also set a few Muscovy eggs!
I do I do!! And I can’t wait to see the little ones when they hatch next month! :love:celebrate

I was also looking for some call ducks because that’s what originally talked my hubby into saying yes! Haha:lau he said no deal unless he gets his call ducklings lol :idunno:lau

If you're still looking, there is a lady in Lafayette, KoriLynn I think. But she posted on Keysey Acres that they were hatching calls. Idk if they ahve a physical site, but they are on FB.
Aww!! Mine are still little.
I have:
three silkie hens not laying, and my silkie roo
two EE hens laying, and their EE roo
two Maran hens laying, fairly regularly
one Muscovy Drake
two Muscovy Hens

The silkie's I expected to be fairly lax on their laying. They're more eye candy than anything else. BUT I AM SO READY FOR DUCKLINGS O.M.G. I'm going to try to set them up a special nesting box this weekend if it will ever stop raining and then maybe they'll feel safer and start.

In other news, I saw what I believe to be a coyote the other day. I knew they were down here, but I haven't seen or heard them yet since we're all open fields nearby. S/he was a few streets over crossing the street near another coop. But once its bored trying to make it in that one I'm sure it will head my way. Lots of extra proofing and reinforcing to do. I told DH to go pee on the fence near the run :lau

I hope everyone is doing well, welcome to our new friends and have a Happy Easter everyone!!!
Your females should already be laying by now? Do you have pictures of them? How old are they? My girls prefer a old tire with straw inside as a nest.
I have:
three silkie hens not laying, and my silkie roo
two EE hens laying, and their EE roo
two Maran hens laying, fairly regularly
one Muscovy Drake
two Muscovy Hens

The silkie's I expected to be fairly lax on their laying. They're more eye candy than anything else. BUT I AM SO READY FOR DUCKLINGS O.M.G. I'm going to try to set them up a special nesting box this weekend if it will ever stop raining and then maybe they'll feel safer and start.

In other news, I saw what I believe to be a coyote the other day. I knew they were down here, but I haven't seen or heard them yet since we're all open fields nearby. S/he was a few streets over crossing the street near another coop. But once its bored trying to make it in that one I'm sure it will head my way. Lots of extra proofing and reinforcing to do. I told DH to go pee on the fence near the run :lau

I hope everyone is doing well, welcome to our new friends and have a Happy Easter everyone!!!

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