I posted this on the NCK thread but thought I'd put it here too.

Just read a very interesting article on antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is an excerpt from the book: Herbal Antibiotics.

Very much worth reading with an brief description of how it is affecting our water supplies, a brief history of antibiotic use, etc. not only in human medicine but in factory farming. It has made me want to buy the book which is about herbal antibiotics and how they work differently than pharmaseuticals.

Another reason you should be glad you're raising your own chickens naturally!
Thought y'all would be interested in taking a look:

A quote from the article: A 2011 study, published by the Translational Genomics Research Institute, a nonprofit research institute in Phoenix, found that nearly 50 percent of all store-bought meat and poultry tested were contaminated with staph, and more than half of the bacteria tested were strains that had become resistant to one or more antibiotics.
Leah's Mom~ Yes, it’s scary-- and percentages have increased since 2011! I recently posted information on page 1887 from my latest issue of “Consumer Reports” that has a cover article about contaminated chicken. In their study last month (Dec. 2013), researchers discovered at least one of six different kinds of bacteria in 97 percent of all the chicken breasts it purchased across 26 states in the US. To make matters worse, many of the bacteria is resistant to three or more antibiotic classes, making them multiple-drug resistant. The researchers didn’t dismiss organic products as worthless, but stated that when it comes to potential contaminants, “the natural label actually means nothing.”

Additional links from Consumer Reports:
sustainable alternatives when it comes to raising chickens
antibiotics in animals

This is a nice visual from the CDC's 2013 Report on Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the US:
Quote: Same for us. I do not waste anything! Even disposed items from processing, I throw into a large pot, cook out for our pigs.
If something dies from an illness tho, its buried deep in the farthest corner of the property, limed heavily, and several loads of tree much over it.
We have a tree service we arranged to drop off loads of mulch on occasion, not so good for flower beds, but ok for composting etc.
Almost 24 hrs later...


WOW fantastic hatch! Congrats!!
I posted this on the NCK thread but thought I'd put it here too.

Just read a very interesting article on antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is an excerpt from the book: Herbal Antibiotics.

Very much worth reading with an brief description of how it is affecting our water supplies, a brief history of antibiotic use, etc. not only in human medicine but in factory farming. It has made me want to buy the book which is about herbal antibiotics and how they work differently than pharmaseuticals.

Quote: Read more:

Another reason you should be glad you're raising your own chickens naturally!
Thought y'all would be interested in taking a look:

Excellent post and very interesting, I love Mother Earth news too. Always a ton of interesting ideas on the website. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Quote: Exactly. And if there is bones, I pick them up, leftovers go so fast here its kinda scary!
I normally don't feed raw meat, but they get enough mice etc to cover that.
I have given them fresh raw fish from the campground several times, wow watch your fingers on that!

These are the same filets we eat ourselves, hybrid bass, crappie, bluegill etc. If the freezer is full they go to the chickens.
Feeder fish like minnows if my oscars (Andy and Opie) don't eat them all. They take them from my fingers.
Opie actually likes his head rubbed too, LOL.
only give my oscars fresh minnows on occasion like once a month, and remove them before the evening.
Leftovers all go to the pigs normally, and always cooked meats!
I have a very uneasy feeling giving that large an animal raw meat, that's begging for problems later.
But with this cold weather I am trying to keep protein up in the birds also.
Any frozen eggs get hardboiled and go right back to them well chopped in the feed.
Leftover broth? (salt free aka home made) boil up some leftover spagetti with it, and watch the fun, they think its better than a worm!

Hope she is ok! I know you will do all you possibly can to help her.
We bought 10 bales of hay today, ($3 bale woohoo) was out till almost 11pm but got fresh thick fluffy layers down for everyone.
My geese all piled in their coop, made all sorts of wawawa (happy sounds).
Hens are clearly making nests, I am soo excited to see baby goslings again soon!
Even the pekin were quaaaackakakak-ing their heads off, they are too funny.
I admit I am a nervous wreck over the temps. My 2 youngest goslings will be brought into my porch during the severe below -0- temps.
I won't hatch past june this year, they need more time to build up and grow bigger, the chinese are much slower to mature.
I wont bring the muscovy in...probably...but depends how they look and act. The 3rd hen was last years hatch, she is very tiny yet.
Just wanted to say hello! I'm still here! Dealing with some health/family issues post Christmas. Hoping everyone stays warm enough in the upcoming weather!!
Hope everything works out ok. stay warm and safe
Howdy, all!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 908 postings behind. I am skipping them all.

I got my daughter's house in Noblesville at Moorse reservoir remodelled. It took 5 sheets of drywall, 10 gallons of spackle mud and a hell of a lot of time and sanding to fill all the holes, dents, BB gun holes, nail holes, screw holes, pin holes, fist holes, and assorted other ways that the trashy people we bought the house from found to misuse the walls and ceilings in the house. I hired a crew to replace all the carpet and wood flooring in the house and a paint crew to paint over the all presumably disease-ridden surfaces in the house. A handyman replaced all the cabinets. He also replaced all the electrical outlets and switches in the house because several were not working and all were filthy. Of course, all the appliances were replaced as the existing appliances were also covered in filth. 2 doors had been knocked off their hinges and the frames broken, so they need to be replaced. Water heater replaced. And the list goes on.

I spoke to several neighbors and they seemed quite pleased that the neighborhood blight was being put back into order. They were equally pleased to see the 6 unruly children (1 of them shot out the neighbor's garage windows and lights with his BB gun through a hole that he poked through his bedroom window screen) and their 6 barking dogs.

Howdy, all!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 908 postings behind.  I am skipping them all.

I got my daughter's house in Noblesville at Moorse reservoir remodelled.  It took 5 sheets of drywall, 10 gallons of spackle mud and a hell of a lot of time and sanding to fill all the holes, dents, BB gun holes, nail holes, screw holes, pin holes, fist holes, and assorted other ways that the trashy people we bought the house from found to misuse the walls and ceilings in the house.  I hired a crew to replace all the carpet and wood flooring in the house and a paint crew to paint over the all presumably disease-ridden surfaces in the house.  A handyman replaced all the cabinets.  He also replaced all the electrical outlets and switches in the house because several were not working and all were filthy.  Of course, all the appliances were replaced as the existing appliances were also covered in filth.  2 doors had been knocked off their hinges and the frames broken, so they need to be replaced.  Water heater replaced.  And the list goes on.

I spoke to several neighbors and they seemed quite pleased that the neighborhood blight was being put back into order.  They were equally pleased to see the 6 unruly children (1 of them shot out the neighbor's garage windows and lights with his BB gun through a hole that he poked through his bedroom window screen) and their 6 barking dogs.


Welcome back! Sounds like you have made a ton of progress.
My neighbor, Mel, pulls discarded vegetables from a grocery store dumpster and brings them home and keeps them in his garage. He then fixes up a daily bucket full and walks over to my chicken yard and dumps them in the chicken yard. When the chickens see him coming from 600 feet away, immediately rush to the corner of chicken yard and wait for him.

Mel has had problems with his well. His sons are helping him fix it. He has been coming over to my house to get water in buckets. The outside faucet was frozen on Christmas Day, so we brought the buckets into the kitchen to fill them. While we were standing and waiting for one to fill, my 2 year old grandson came in the kitchen and started talking to Mel. I never understand what he says, but I did notice that he ended his spiel with "Santa".

I looked at Mel, with his white beard and mustach, and said "he thinks you are Santa Claus". I told Mel to take off his hat and show his white hair. I then picked up Morgan and put him in Mel's arms. I then took them into the living room where all the others were and announced "Morgan found Santa". They all burst out laughing, but got concerned that they would hurt Mel's feelings and tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle their laughter. That made it all the funnier.

Later, after they had all left, my youngest daughter called to tell me that they hit a deer and killed it on their way home. There was no damage to people or car.

I called Mel and gave him her phone number and had him call her with this message.

"Hi. This is Santa. I understand you ran over one of my reindeer."

My nipples freeze in cold weather.

I use 5-gallon water buckets with nipple waterers in the bottom. I put stock tank heaters in them to keep the water from freezing. It works, but the nipples freeze, defeating any advantage.

Cold weather, I gotta carry buckets of water, but I don't have to carry them far. Sitting by the door is a 55 gallon drum with a heater in it. I dip from the barrel. When there is a day warm enough, I refill the barrel from the garden hose.

Howdy, all!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 908 postings behind. I am skipping them all.

I got my daughter's house in Noblesville at Moorse reservoir remodelled. It took 5 sheets of drywall, 10 gallons of spackle mud and a hell of a lot of time and sanding to fill all the holes, dents, BB gun holes, nail holes, screw holes, pin holes, fist holes, and assorted other ways that the trashy people we bought the house from found to misuse the walls and ceilings in the house. I hired a crew to replace all the carpet and wood flooring in the house and a paint crew to paint over the all presumably disease-ridden surfaces in the house. A handyman replaced all the cabinets. He also replaced all the electrical outlets and switches in the house because several were not working and all were filthy. Of course, all the appliances were replaced as the existing appliances were also covered in filth. 2 doors had been knocked off their hinges and the frames broken, so they need to be replaced. Water heater replaced. And the list goes on.

I spoke to several neighbors and they seemed quite pleased that the neighborhood blight was being put back into order. They were equally pleased to see the 6 unruly children (1 of them shot out the neighbor's garage windows and lights with his BB gun through a hole that he poked through his bedroom window screen) and their 6 barking dogs.

You are allowed to skip, and its great to hear from you

OH MY! Lot of work, wow. And it is reprehensible to think a home could be abused that badly, but I have seen this myself.
I hate repairing and hate to see the reasons why more, usually!
Some just do not realize a home is a treasure, not everyone can own one.
We had a rental for house a few years, and got soooo fed up with the flow of tenants and problems, we finally sold it.
You have to share pictures when you can, I bet your daughter is ecstatic.

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