They are gorgeous. I just got three sweetgrass poults from porters. (And mottled blacks and penciled palm) (and blue slate from TSC) (and midget white from an auction) that is turkey math!

Can't wait till they grow up!

Yep, I was definitely on the Porter site yesterday. All that stopped me was the 15 poult minimum and the $15 each price tag. Ouch, I do not need 15 and don't need to spend the $15 times 15 right now (plus shipping!). LOL. I found someone selling Sweetgrass hatching eggs and considered ordering them to put under broody BLRW but she has been in the klink for two days already since I'm trying to break her.

I'm drawn to how friendly turkeys seem to be and think a couple would look very nice on my property!! (I do not need more animals....I do not need more animals....).

As a side note, I found a "natural" mouse poison recipe and wanted to see if anyone had any experience with it. You mix 1 part baking soda, 1 part flour and 1 part sugar. The mice eat it and then when they drink water it causes some sort of "natural" interaction that takes care of the issue. And they are not poisonous to anything that then eats them after they die. Thoughts? You obviously need to keep the mixture away from other animals as it would probably have a similar affect. I purchased a mouse zapper that worked well for 3 mice, but then I couldn't get it clean since the gross creatures pooped and peed all over the inside and it is shorting itself out somehow. Plus I have SO MANY mice that the one at a time thing is not making a dent. For reels there are about 30 babies living in a nest in my tool box in the shed.....
Don't give up on the rat zapper! Maybe it's defective and you can trade it in for another?

I've set mine after the huge chipmunk population and it's getting one about ever other day. I use it outside BUT only in a smallish rubbermade container. I cut a hole in the side and the container is just large enough for the zapper to fit into lengthwise - hole cut just wide enough to enter the zapper. Keeps it out of the rain.

I'll have to do a photo of that thing.
Question for the "long-experienced" chicken keepers:

At what age do y'all start letting young chicks NOT BROODY RAISED begin to range outside of a protected pen with the adults?

When I refer to ranging I'm saying totally without any overhead cover, in the greater yard unless they return to the kennel pen.


Good morning everyone! It feels like I haven't been online in forever. I just wanted to say hi and I hope you all are well. My DH has been working out of town for a couple of weeks so I have been really busy keeping little kids happy. Our chickens are doing great even with the heat and the hawks roosting above our run. Its been a real treat keeping them out of our veggies, but its a good time anyway. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Chickenfest!
Originally Posted by bradselig
I'd be happy to take just the hen lol. I have some hens I need to sell, but also don't want to. But most don't have much middle toe feathering. I'd have a beautiful partridge cockerel for you but his crest is literally horrible. Amazing leg feathering though. All the ones I held back for breeders I'm not that happy with most of them. But so hard to make the call on who to get rid of!

kab and brad ~ You two are so superficial! lol-- just joking--I know that breeders must create perfect specimens. At least kab isn't as ruthless in getting "rid" of inferior looks. She wants to find nice homes for Silkies afflicted with leakage or other unsightly abnormalities.
I guess I won't be able to breed my Splash Silkie because she has a bit of that dreaded "leakage." Poor thing. She's not very smart, either, but she's sweet. And my Blue one seems to be missing her face!
I also won't be able to Show either of my Silkies. Darn!--lol-- because I trimmed their "bangs" tonight before their bedtime. And I'd be disqualified for using the word, "bangs." I can't wait to see how they act tomorrow with their newly found vision!

These photos were taken right before their bangs were trimmed. I didn't take much off anyway.

I love your pics! Your chicks are so cute.

@shellybelly I am so sorry about your turkeys.

Welcome to all the new members!
Hi All! I just joined BYC yesterday and posted an intro thread in the New Members forum section. I'm from Bloomington. No chickens yet but planning for them.

EurekaChic ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread! Hope you saw the info about our thread (a couple of posts above yours). Our members have a range of experience from newbies to long-term chicken owners. We are here to help!

I'm new to BYC, but I'm here from NW Indiana! I have 2 adult polish roos, 1 adult polish hen, and 14 polish chicks that I hatched from them with more on the way. I also have 3 Showgirl roos, 3 RIR hens, 4 aracauna hens, and 4 black sex link hens.

Incubating has quickly become my favorite hobby. Thus far I have incubated polish chickens and guineas, and I have 7 peacock eggs in there right now.

I'm hoping to add a few frizzles to my flock soon!

Welcome to the Indiana Thread!!! I LOVE polish!!! Need a White Crested Black polish Rooster. Have 2 hens w/o a mate! Enjoy our thread its full of super peeps!

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