and our thread
We are practically neighbors, Pendleton here.

Oh goodness, can't have that!
I used to live on West High St. in Pendleton, right next to the building that used to be ASA Racing, if you know where that is.
First hatch in the sportsman and loving it! No issues at all. Reminded me of the cooking appliance where they kept saying "Just set it and forget it!" These things are truly idiot proof!

The humidity in the unit has been about 45%-50% and when I put the eggs in lockdown, I put in one of the wicks. The humidity jumped to almost 70% and it start to form condensation on the bottom and leak as @birdman55 had warmed me. I removed the wick and decided to see how they hatch without increasing humidity. Worked beautifully!
First hatch in the sportsman and loving it! No issues at all. Reminded me of the cooking appliance where they kept saying "Just set it and forget it!" These things are truly idiot proof!

The humidity in the unit has been about 45%-50% and when I put the eggs in lockdown, I put in one of the wicks. The humidity jumped to almost 70% and it start to form condensation on the bottom and leak as @birdman55 had warmed me. I removed the wick and decided to see how they hatch without increasing humidity. Worked beautifully!
I love my sportsman also
Somebody encouraged me to post pictures of my coop.
They may have unleashed a monster.
This is Ronnie, I'm not sure if he's a rooster or not, but I perched him on top of my chicken run, he's kinda homely looking, but I couldn't resist.

I bought this coop on ebay for $229.90 + tax, I wasn't very satisfied when it arrived, one of the roof panels was basically in pieces and there's nothing heavy duty about the thing, all the roof and sidewall slats are only 1/4' thick and the framing is mostly 1" x 1 1/4" fir that has been water proofed with a sealer, that being said, I could see daylight between the roof slats, I didn't like that and I used Flex Seal to seal up the roof once I got the basics constructed. Before that though, I had to go buy a brad nail gun and wood glue to repair what had fallen apart and to reinforce what hadn't. I've gone back and looked at this same coop on ebay and the price has more than doubled at $469.90, I wasn't very satisfied with the original price and the condition it came in, I'm afraid I'd have been upset if I had paid twice that.

As you can see, I've got some decoration on it, I'll probably add more to make it really gaudy.
I also added some parachute cord which I have run though the roof of the run, down to the ramp so I can raise the ramp to allow me to move the coop around the yard like a tractor.

The roof of the coop does open up and that's a handy feature for cleaning and maintenance. The roosting rack that came with the coop was only 1/2" bars, I replaced it with these 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" bars.

The coop didn't originally come with wheels, but I added them so that when the time comes I will be able to roll the coop around the yard so my chickens can get fresh forage and bugs this summer. The wheels fall off if I lift up the coop when I get it where I want it.

Now that I've made my modifications, which was an additional expense, I'm reasonably satisfied with the results. The advertisement says 4 - 6 large birds, I think 6 might be a little tight, but time will tell. I'm looking forward to my peepers shipping on the 25th. The adventure begins.
Quote: I was going to edit this down just to the turkey dinner part. Still there is so much good info, I reconsidered and am leaving the full post.

I'm kind of glad the turkeys will cost a bit more as this year I fully intend to raise my own and sell off the extras. Typically the stores sell the turkeys for much less than it would cost me to feed a turkey. the 88 cents a pound last year was unbelievable. Someone had to be taking a loss to get more profit elsewhere. They just had to be.

That really amazed me too! I know its costs a bit more to raise our own, but its a small investment every week. Like my hogs, I want to have around 4 a year just as feeder hogs, process about every 3 months. We are talking more about boer goats too, still considering the idea.
Well thanks to kabhyper1 I didn't get just a few Cochin eggs to hatch, I got a few Cochin eggs plus three dozen more barn yard mix w/ some silkie eggs (for my daughters B-day) to hatch!! Now for the first time with my eggs I have a full incubater. Thanks kab... It's going to be a short night and long day tomorrow. Heading 3hrs away to pick up my Boer buck for my herd sire! In a few weeks I'll have a couple bred boer does to go pick up also.

Night all
Thats great! I bet they were scratching fiends looking for goodies!

Oh man... ya thats not good. Highly recommend everyone taking advantage of the free egg screening @kittydoc and several other members have mentioned. They send you a kit and its free to have your eggs tested.

T-12 program's free. I did it when one of my hens caught something (blessedly nothing major). It's a lot faster than I had expected, comes with free biosecurity pamphlets and all kinds of educational stuff, some recipes, and a free gift (I got an egg-shaped manicure kit with nifty clippers). Great program and I wholeheartedly endorse it.

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