I got this message today from Nifty Chicken, the BYC owner. Apparently this is a good thing, except I'm really bad at math, so I'll just take his word for it. Anyone want to enlighten me? Did anyone else get this message? I hate compliments in the form of math story problems. ;) lol I'll take it, even if I don't fully understand it.

As many members of BYC know, I'm a huge geek and I LOVE me some data / numbers. Well, one thing I do from time to time is look at the members that are getting the most “Ovations” and I was pretty impressed with what I saw!

So, out of literally hundreds of thousands of members, your name was in the top 0.05% (yes, that’s 1/20th of one percent!!!)with the most ovations received in the past few months!
I wanted to congratulate you and say "GREAT JOB!!!"

Another who got the ovation message here - apparently IN BYCers are just that awesome!
I got it too. And IN BYCers are DEFINITELY that awesome!
Picture time

Here's the three I helped hatch.



Here's mommas hatch


Here's everyone together


@racinchickins boys or girls on the Legbars?

Eta- I didn't realize the two breeds would look so similar at hatch!
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The only one who could possibly be a boy legbar is your second pic. The key is a light colored spot on the head, absent or very little eyeliner, and indistinct striping on the back. If you got all girls I'm sooooooo jealous. I've got plenty of boys if you want one.
Well that's cool that we all got it! I now feel less inclined to try to do the math on it. Thanks @bradselig for doing the numbers for me though lol! I got a couple new babies today.
Two little silkies to add to my flock. A blue and a splash. They are a week old and I gave them to one of my 5 broodies................omg when one goes they all go!
I also got a dozen splash and BC silkie eggs so they broodies are going to make themselves useful! I hope to be getting two little splashes from Brad also. I really failed at this no more birds or hatching thing this year.
Just like pipd, I would hate for you to be burdened with chicks you don't have room for and would be happy to relieve you of some. Especially since me Ameraucauna contact lost her flock this winter. And silked lavendar!?! I am on my phone so I don't have any emoticons so I can't drool, just know my phone is damp!
LOL I have two breeding pens I can use and three potential new breeds coming!  Odds are pretty good of a no or tiny hatch on all of the shipped eggs, so I will worry about that conundrum later!

Gee, I'd take those silkied Ameraucana eggs off your hands. Strictly speaking as a favor, of course. Not at all because they've been on my want list ever since I laid eyes on them years ago. It would be a burden, of course, but I could take care of some of those Barnevelders, too, Brad. But only as a favor to you... :drool And now y'all know why I'm not subscribed to those threads. :lol:

I, too, got the ovation message. :) I remember the last time they were sent out. Seems like there were a dozen or more Indiana thread members that got it last time, too. If my math is correct, out of 330,383 members on site, only about 165 would have received it. :D Congrats, y'all!

Edited to add the quote.
I also got the msg.
We had a bittersweet surprise this morning. My son was doing his morning chores before school. He somehow found a broody Australorp hen in my old bailer!! Out if 5 chicks and a couple eggs only 1 chick has made it so far. Don't know what happened to the other chicks besides maybe to cold out. My son brought the little chick inside to one of our brooders. Where it is doing great.

I also got the msg.
We had a bittersweet surprise this morning. My son was doing his morning chores before school. He somehow found a broody Australorp hen in my old bailer!! Out if 5 chicks and a couple eggs only 1 chick has made it so far. Don't know what happened to the other chicks besides maybe to cold out. My son brought the little chick inside to one of our brooders. Where it is doing great.

WTH? LOL how did you miss that? Cute chick. Is the mama okay? Who knows how much she has eaten in the last 21 days.

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