Ok, chicken with the goop in her eye is driving me a little nuts. I separated her from the other chickens and some how she found a way over a 71/2 foot wall. Humm, i guess i have to brake out the dog kennel. Arrr really she has to be a stinker. Not, like i'm stessed enough. Dad started chemo and he's pretty sick. I'm also watching my brothers kid with adhd plus one of my step kids that lives with us has adhd. So, thats a see who can be the meanest. Really i'd say Calgon take me away but, i know the harsh truth at some time i'd have to get out of the tub. Lol for my goop eye chicken i'm going to get some oxytetracycline and give that a try. Plus, do a major cleaning of the coop. Hehe hubby can watch the kiddies while i clean. Never thought cleaning sounded like so much fun.
I hope today is going better for you.

If anyone is interested in EE roosters I have 3 that I'm rehoming for $5 each.
I'm also rehoming a royal palm tom turkey, pm if interested.
sending a hug :hugs sounds like a normal day here. I care for both my parents full time, and I know how that wears on you. If you have eye ointment thats a big plus too.

Turkey are unmistakeable.. duck eggs look and feel waxy. Turkey eggs will be pointed and usually speckled. Lay them out and take a pic, I can tell you 100% what you have.

In my experience, duck eggs have a different feel to them from other eggs. 

I'll try to get better pics. Irish have that waxy feel of a duck egg but I honestly think it is just been sitting i. Muddy puddles of water.
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking out over my grow out pens and realized I have lots of turkey poults left. I'm going to start trying to sell the poults off, but first I need to post on here to see if anyone is interested in Thanksgiving turkeys? I did it last year, a few people on the site bought them, and they gave me good reviews so I'm going to do it again this year. This way I know what I need to keep and what poults I can sell off.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Cost to me (each):
Poult - $10 This is for sunk costs for producing poults like upkeep for the parents, incubators, brooder, feeders, etc....It's actually probably more than that, but I'm really trying hard to avoid reality.
Food - $30. From both prior research and now experience it takes approx 100lbs of food to get them to size and my cost right now is $15/50lb bag.
Processing - $2/lb dressed weight. To a Maximum of $40. (Bigger birds are more difficult, but only to a point)

So the minimum you would pay would probably be $60 and the max would be $80 per turkey, depending on the final size of the bird. If you would like to participate in the processing, you get a discount and I'll let you know when the processing will be occurring (sometime during the weekend before Thanksgiving). I think I'll ask for a $20 per turkey deposit when you commit to the order and the rest when you pick up the bird before Thanksgiving.

In return you will get a humanely raised, never frozen (unless you want it to be) deeelicious heritage turkey that you can pick up starting the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Please send me a pm if you are interested
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking out over my grow out pens and realized I have lots of turkey poults left. I'm going to start trying to sell the poults off, but first I need to post on here to see if anyone is interested in Thanksgiving turkeys? I did it last year, a few people on the site bought them, and they gave me good reviews so I'm going to do it again this year. This way I know what I need to keep and what poults I can sell off.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Cost to me (each):
Poult - $10 This is for sunk costs for producing poults like upkeep for the parents, incubators, brooder, feeders, etc....It's actually probably more than that, but I'm really trying hard to avoid reality.
Food - $30. From both prior research and now experience it takes approx 100lbs of food to get them to size and my cost right now is $15/50lb bag.
Processing - $2/lb dressed weight. To a Maximum of $40. (Bigger birds are more difficult, but only to a point)

So the minimum you would pay would probably be $60 and the max would be $80 per turkey, depending on the final size of the bird. If you would like to participate in the processing, you get a discount and I'll let you know when the processing will be occurring (sometime during the weekend before Thanksgiving). I think I'll ask for a $20 per turkey deposit when you commit to the order and the rest when you pick up the bird before Thanksgiving.

In return you will get a humanely raised, never frozen (unless you want it to be) deeelicious heritage turkey that you can pick up starting the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Please send me a pm if you are interested

This is a great plan considering all the news of a turkey and egg shortage. If the stores price the turkeys fairly this holiday, people will be having sticker shock.

I was at the store yesterday and priced eggs for fun. The cage free organic eggs are up to $4.50 at the Greenwood Meijer. Currently I'm not selling eggs but If I could get $4 a dozen I might change my mind.
Update, my goopy eye chichen looks way better today:celebrate. I looked for the eye worms and didn't see looks to have cleared up. Still think of using tetracycline over night and 1/2 the morning just for caution.The storm was not as bad as they were letting on it to be. Most the yard it above water.:D
Better pictures of the eggs. While taking pictures I noticed some strange odor. Sure enough one egg was rotten and stinking like crazy!



I just went ahead and filed claim/requested a return for the eggs. I'm not going to risk them exploding since one is already rotten.
Last edited:
Hope everyone is well after the storms that hit across IN last night. We were fortunate that it skirted south of us. We did have just a bit of rain, but the thunder and lightening, along with blustery winds made for an unsettled night. As usual, the threat of bad weather gets us scampering filling extra water buckets and tubs for the animals. It's just a muddy, mucky mess out there. The coops and pens will be needing fresh straw/bedding today. Only the ducks are loving all this rain.

Seems there is always something giving us fits around here. Recently, it's been the chickens and mostly the turkeys. Oh, those turkeys have a mind of their own.
Its terrible, cant seem to get much done, and didn't get a lot of my planned garden in with the rain. May still do the faster plants like squash, but its pretty late in the season now. Have onion, potatoes and some corn in, thats about it. Rain killed off my peppers and tomatoes! really bad year for it, and the weeds and mosquitos are terrible.

Wow I am so sorry to hear that. I have a 30 lb in the freezer for the same reason. Well no broken back, but ripped her open but good.

I'm hoping to not have any more broody hens, my other 2 turkey hens are laying smaller eggs. Not much bigger than large chicken eggs. I'd be afraid there would be hatching problems. I don't really know, does the size of a turkey egg impede growth?

The last egg finally hatched, so we are 6 for 6 on this hatch. Will post pics latter today.
Congrats on the hatch! I would try a small group, see how it goes with them. is it a younger hen? My yearlings always lay a smaller egg, but the poults are usually fine.

to all indiana locals i pretty much just realized that i more then likely will have to return to florida to finish college and dont really have anyone here to take care of my chickens til/if i return i have pure rir and buff orps as well as a large number of mixes due to this spring hatching not sure yet when im leaving more then likely not till like november-january so we have time to plan this out but anyone interested in helping out please pm me or reply with quote
Depending on where you are, I may be able to help. I work with local folks and rehome, go through the church and find less fortunate families that benefit from a few hens. I can't volunteer time so its my way of helping out the community. If you don't find homes please send a pm (personal message), and we can work from there.
And don't be a stranger, please feel free to still visit our thread! We have folks from several other states as active members. And some members that are "chickenless" but still good friends too!
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking out over my grow out pens and realized I have lots of turkey poults left. I'm going to start trying to sell the poults off, but first I need to post on here to see if anyone is interested in Thanksgiving turkeys? I did it last year, a few people on the site bought them, and they gave me good reviews so I'm going to do it again this year. This way I know what I need to keep and what poults I can sell off.

Here is what I'm thinking:

Cost to me (each):
Poult - $10 This is for sunk costs for producing poults like upkeep for the parents, incubators, brooder, feeders, etc....It's actually probably more than that, but I'm really trying hard to avoid reality.
Food - $30. From both prior research and now experience it takes approx 100lbs of food to get them to size and my cost right now is $15/50lb bag.
Processing - $2/lb dressed weight. To a Maximum of $40. (Bigger birds are more difficult, but only to a point)

So the minimum you would pay would probably be $60 and the max would be $80 per turkey, depending on the final size of the bird. If you would like to participate in the processing, you get a discount and I'll let you know when the processing will be occurring (sometime during the weekend before Thanksgiving). I think I'll ask for a $20 per turkey deposit when you commit to the order and the rest when you pick up the bird before Thanksgiving.

In return you will get a humanely raised, never frozen (unless you want it to be) deeelicious heritage turkey that you can pick up starting the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Please send me a pm if you are interested
I have to say you are being very reasonable! I know how well you keep your birds. Awesome deal! And once you have had a true heritage Turkey dinner, BB variety may be bigger but do not begin to compare to heritage breeds.

I'm selling eggs at 2.50 a dozen and only get about 9 sells a month if I'm lucky... Are we talking chicken or turkey?
I get $3 a dozen and always have folks asking. I need about 50 more hens lol.

Update, my goopy eye chichen looks way better today:celebrate. I looked for the eye worms and didn't see looks to have cleared up. Still think of using tetracycline over night and 1/2 the morning just for caution.The storm was not as bad as they were letting on it to be. Most the yard it above water.

Awesome news, WTG!
Better pictures of the eggs. While taking pictures I noticed some strange odor. Sure enough one egg was rotten and stinking like crazy!

I just went ahead and filed claim/requested a return for the eggs. I'm not going to risk them exploding since one is already rotten.
No kidding! 2 look like they are duck eggs. so badly soiled, wow I cannot believe they shipped that! I do not set eggs even for myself in that condition, those would not even have been pig food.
As promised.. mama goose and her adopted muscovy babies! I sold 7 of the first 21 that hatched, here are the other 14! Chocolate and black pied, blacks. They aren't cold, trust me this was taken when it was upper 80s and humid. They all cluster to sleep, its too cute. Mama goose is now sleeping in the grow up pen with them. Please forgive our muddy mess! And my garden hose, ducks need a lot of water.

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