Also...quick question/thoughts on a beneficial tool we could use for Indiana BYCers...sort of like a support hotline, or even just to chat, I belong to another forum and we use this FREE smartphone app called Zello, you can use it on computers too. Anyone ever hear of it? It is really cool, it is like a walkie talkie it is like a forum, only you can talk faster than type. Let me know if anyone would be interested in trying it out. I would be happy to set it up and let the ones that are interested how to get it, set it up, etc.

I don't use smartphone so I couldn't take part...
I woke up last night to check on him and he was gone

I am so sorry.
Also...quick question/thoughts on a beneficial tool we could use for Indiana BYCers...sort of like a support hotline, or even just to chat, I belong to another forum and we use this FREE smartphone app called Zello, you can use it on computers too.  Anyone ever hear of it?  It is really cool, it is like a walkie talkie it is like a forum, only you can talk faster than type.  Let me know if anyone would be interested in trying it out.  I would be happy to set it up and let the ones that are interested how to get it, set it up, etc.  

I won't be able to do that either. Reading works better for me.
This may be an odd question, but does anyone rent their land to keep their animals on? I am currently living 'in town' and had to rehome all of my chickens, but really want to get back into raising them. I can't move, it is not an option, unless renting and must be within 25 mins of where I live now, wich is unlikely to find.,.. anyways, does anyone do this? Rent land to keep their animals/chickens on and not live on site? How does it work out for you if you do?
I know a family renting pasture land for cows. I
This may be an odd question, but does anyone rent their land to keep their animals on? I am currently living 'in town' and had to rehome all of my chickens, but really want to get back into raising them. I can't move, it is not an option, unless renting and must be within 25 mins of where I live now, wich is unlikely to find.,.. anyways, does anyone do this? Rent land to keep their animals/chickens on and not live on site? How does it work out for you if you do?

I know a familly renting pasture land for cows, they don't live too far from there. They go out twice per day and check on them and take food in winter, check their water. Someone rented the place next to us one year for their horses and it was a disaster, it was too muddy and the poor horses were in mud up to their knees. The people didn't feed them well and in winter they didn't give them any water or fresh hay for over a week, we were so upset! They didn't have adequate shelter either. The horses kept stomping down the fence or getting over it to get the grass in our yard. Pitiful. Animal control didn't do anything. A federal agent with the wild horse placement program was checking on a horse being fostered or adopted at a different neighbor and thought that was the one he was looking for. He saw the horses and was furious, took them to court, forced them to board their horses! It wasn't the one he was looking for which was a few houses down but we were just so glad the abused horses had help.

I know you'll do a good job, just warn you in winter and all seasons have to go check on them and feed/water them probably twice a day, secure from predators etc of course. You know all this but hope you can find something really close.


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