So I got the coop half built and decided it would be okay to buy our chicks. We're now the proud owners of 2 Americaunas, 2 RIR, and 2 Black sex link least for the moment. Got them home and within an hour one of the BSLs seemed to be spending a lot more time on her belly than the others. Then she started laying its head down on the bedding. THe BSLs seem to be a little bit older than the others, so maybe its a behavioral difference based on age. Temp on one end of the brooder is 95 and the other is 83. Now the other BSL seems to be acting similarly. I've seen them all eat since we got them home. Wife is thinking that just may be the way they sleep. Do chicks normally sprawl out when they sleep or do you think something is wrong with this chick? Whatever help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
Yes. They can even sleep on their sides to really freak you out. However, they should pop awake & be alert when awake.
Seriously...every time I get new chicks and I see them sprawl out like that it is STILL alarming.

I've been known to make noise or touch them just to see if they would get up like normal
You'd think I'd learn after a few times but it is still pretty freaky to see them looking somewhat "dead".

And, yes. They are noisy! Listen closely and you'll hear that they are "saying" different things.

If you find that they are peeping in a "distressful" way, be sure that they can find the food and water and their siblings. That sound is quite different from normal happy cheeping and communications among themselves. When they're making the distress sound it's almost as though they are calling for someone to help. That's what they do when they have a mamma and they need her attention. Sometimes one will get separated from the others and is looking for the comfort of the group, etc.

Then observe where they situate themselves. If they're all bunched up under the heat lamp shivering, they may be too cold. More likely is that they are too hot and can't get away from it.
That chick crying is very distinct & carries.

Funny story from 2 weeks ago: I was in the basement & kept hearing a crying chick from upstairs. My kids were up there, but it continued for a couple min. When I went to investigate, I saw a chick against the wall of the brooder looking at my son. His back was turned away from the chicks & his concentration was focused on the computer. (New video game) The chick simply wanted his attention. Once it was picked up, it was happy again. (Yes, we have very spoiled chickens.) Now that the chicks are in the garage, I miss the constant interaction. I don't miss the dust!
Not only are they all safe and sound...they multiplied! :th There are 16 total now. I'm cut off lol. My reasoning was that I never got my I had to buy 6 chicks at tsc to get one. Once I saw they had barred rocks in the straight run bin, there was no going back. ;) On the down side, one of them was pasted so bad that I had to cut pieces of litter out of it's down. Poor thing, I dipped him in warm water for 10 minutes and that was not coming off. He also had been pecked at and was bleeding, so that was dealt with too. This morning he is all good. From what I was originally told, my chicks are 10 days and 6 days, but they look like they have more of an age gap. I think some I got yesterday were more like 3 days. No one is picking on anyone though, so far.

Here is a pic. You can see where we extended their space. Through the doorway is much bigger. They love to go over there and play. :)
Thanks! I was watching her a bit ago and she got up and ate, drank, and laid back down. Then one of the other chicks pecked at something and she darted over to check it out, so I think she's good. Totally new to this, so I'm super paranoid about something going wrong. Nice to have quick access to lots of chicken wisdom!

On a side note, I am completely amazed that something so small can peep so loud!!!

I was a little worried about this a few weeks ago myself. As I watched though, they would still get up and move around, eat, and drink. So I chalked it up to them being toddlers. GO GO GO GO GO SLEEP. Anywhere. Anytime. LOL
Hey folks,

In case no one has said, there are ALL KINDS of goodies at the Bloomington Rural King. I went in on Friday and got some birds.

I got some cuckoo marans, freedom rangers, and guineas.
There are also some heritage turkeys (chocolate, bourbon red), ducks (Indian runner, khaki campbell, pekin)
Welsummer, silver-laced wyandottes, leghorns, red cross ($1!)

And they have ring-neck PHEASANT chicks! Soooo Cute!!
Hello from Clark County. Not necessarily new to chickens but new to this website. I came across it while trying to figure out what breed these 2 new ones we took in are. Seems like there is a lot of good information here.
Maybe it's because I brooded my chicks using the Mamma Heating Pad method, but I never caught them lying down during daylight hours. They would huddle under the heating pad, but not lying down splayed out. I've heard that the MHP keeps their circadian rhythms more normal than using a light. Every time there was light, including at night if I turned on a light, all my chicks would awaken and become active, So the other day at TSC I saw several chicks sprawled out sleeping, I assumed they were sick or dying. Turns out maybe they were normal and healthy. Go figure!
I'm a newbie to this site. I love in Madison. We have 3 adult India Blue pecocks an 1 India Blue leaven who has just laid six eggs. I have hatched them under a brooch hen before but only 2. So the husband went and bought me a still air incubator. I've done my research and I'm hoping to have 6 peachicks in about 27 days. I do intend on selling them. I'm looking for purple and green mating pair of peachicks, yearlings, or even adults. My peahen has been laying a clutch of at least 8 eggs. Any tips or info on incubating would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!!
Welcome to our thread!!! @ellymayRans is our peafowl expert lol. @pbirdhaven also keeps them along with some others. I am on my 2nd group but still a noobie to them too.

@jchny2000 & @racinchickins
I will post pics later but Geez i just about fell over coming home seeing my scovy ducklings They are Huge!! I knew they grew fast but Really! ?!?!
They do grow super fast!

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